Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 263
Roger J. Traynor Memorabilia
Small collection of personal memorabilia and few professional items.
Seals for the State of Virginia and the High Court of Chancery
Embossed seals in a piece of paper.
Sketch of Judge Edward J. Ryan by Ida Libby Dengrove
This sketch and letter were given to Special Collections by Mary Ryan-Waters, Executor of Edward J. Ryan’s will, to be added to the Ida Libby Dengrove Collection, in April of 2016. The sketch was given to Judge Ryan, United States Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of New York, by Don Luftig, NBC Producer. There are also two letters of condolence from Judge Melanie L. Cyganowski, U.S.B.J., and Judge Sarah Sharer Curly, U.S.B.J., and one photograph.
Special Committee on Clinical Education records
Memorandum and interim report.
State and Local Government Policy Clinic records
This collection consists of materials that document the work of the State and Local Government Policy Clinic at the University of Virginia School of Law. These materials include websites and publications. The collection also contains items documenting the clinic's participation in major projects including the Commission to Examine Racial and Economic Inequality in Virginia Law (2019-2022).
Steve Hopson Law School Memorabilia Collection
This collection (1993-2003) contains photographs of Law School graduation ceremonies.
Student Bar Association at the University of Virginia records
Student Legal Forum records
The records of the Student Legal Forum are comprised of general files, correspondence, photos, newspapers clippings, card file of speakers, tapes and miscellaneous materials.
Of note is a scrapbook of clippings begun when Robert Kennedy was president of the SLF.
System of Justice in Puerto Rico Documents
Two petitions from Puerto Rican citizens to American officials.
The Brackett Henry Snidow Collection of UVA Memorabilia
Small collection of University of Virginia memorabilia.
The Cash Book of John Brazee, 1841-1844, Ohio
Book of entries and expenses of an Ohio lawyer.
The Charles Read and Joseph Read Commonplace Book
Commonplace book containing British legal precedents and some citations of New Jersey law.
The Docket Book of Richard Watson
Attorney's legal document referencing cases in Pennsylvania
The Federalist Society at the University of Virginia records
The George M. Marks (Law Class of 1876) Memorabilia Collection
1870 and 1874 lithoprinted copies Prof. John B. Minor lectures. Also a top hat.
The Homan W. Walsh Diaries
Thirty four agenda notebooks (1930-1963).
The John Bassett Moore Society of International Law records
The John M. Woolsey Collection of Legal Documents
Important small collection of legal documents signed by George Wythe, John Marshall, Charles Lee, Samuel Chase, Edmund Randolph, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Henry St. George Tucker and John B. Minor.