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Lectures, 1976


Content Description

From the Collection:

New collection of eleven manuscripts by writer Jorge Luis Borges which have been combined with the Borges collection. The new acquisitions include Herrera y Reissig; Soneta Para un Tango en la Nochecita; La Cabala (1943), Los Espejos Velados; Prologo a Mester de Juderia, de Carlos Grunberg;El Milagro Secreto; Nota Sobre la Paz; De Alguien a Nadie; La Biblioteca Total; El Dios y el Rey; and Prose Poems for I. J.

Other Borges manuscripts include : Juderia,...
Ciudad, Calle Desconocida, Villa Mazzini, Trincheras, La Vuelta a Buenos Aires (and letter), Essay on Flaubert, La Pampa y el Suburbio son Dioses, A la Doctrina de Pasion de Tu Voz, La Cabala (1930), A Mia Padre, El Muerto, La Casa de Asterion, Viejo Habito Argentino, Plaza San Martin (and letter), S. S. Poem, Manual de Zoologica Fantastica, The Mirror and the Mask, and La Fundacion Mitologica de Buenos Aires.

Correspondents include Carlo Mastronardi, Ever Mendez, Ramon Sopena, Atillo Rossi,Ernest T. Manfred, Mr. Cohen, Macedonio Fernandez, and Jorge Luis Borges.

Also included is a lecture by Jorge Luis Borges on Shakespeare's birthday (1976) and a photograph of Jorge Luis Borges from 1931.

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  • Creation: 1976

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research use.


From the Collection: 0.07 Cubic Feet (1 legal size document box and 1 oversize box) : oversize box is in the vault V-7

Language of Materials

Spanish; Castilian