Francoise Marie Gabrielle Delecey de Changey children's book (Addition 52) 2024-0091, 1800-1802
Scope and Contents
This addition to MSS 16758, The University of Virginia Collection on the History of Childhood, Parenting, and Family Building contains one handmade picturebook of hand-colored engraved cutouts. A later inscription on the front pastedown reads, "Fait par la baronne de Chalancey née Delcey pour as fille Clémence devenue Ctsse d' Esclaibes d'Hurst." The book was was created by the Baroness de Chalancey for her little girl Clemence, born in 1797.
Francoise... Marie Gabrielle Delecey de Changey, who went under the nickname Fanny, was born in 1769 in Langres, Haute-Marne; she married Baron Jean-Francois Bichet de Chalancey in 1791, whose chateau in Chalancey was 30 kilometers from Langres. Their first child, a boy, died in 1796 at four; a daughter, Clemence, was born the following year. Fanny lived to age 77, and Clemence survived her mother by 20 years.
The book starts with la maison, the home, and it shows people, trades, activities, places, architectural details, animals, concepts, fictional characters, and various household people in various activities.
- Creation: 1800-1802
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research use.
0.04 Cubic Feet (One legal size folder)
Language of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
This collection was a purchase from Musinsky Rare Books to the Small Special Collections Library at the University of Virginia Library on 24 April, 2024.
Purchased with the Given by Murray F. Nimmo in memory of Gregg Ross Hopkins, 2023/2024. Acquired by Brenda Gunn. Title Control Number: a11390768 Order Number: 634146
- Musinsky Rare Books (Organization)
Repository Details
Part of the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Repository
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
P.O. Box 400110
University of Virginia
Charlottesville Virginia 22904-4110 United States