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UVA Medical Center Hour: Lecture recordings, 1973-1979

 Digital Record

Conditions Governing Access

This digital object is a .tar file that encompasses recordings of the UVA Medical Center Hour series, related documentation, and associated metadata files. The recordings are in the .mp4 file format. Photographs of the original 3/4 u-matic cassette tapes used to store these recordings are in the .jpg file format. The associated metadata files are in the .txt, .xml, .md5, and .csv file formats. Special software applications may be required to open the .tar file and the enclosed .mp4, .jpg, .txt, .xml,.md5, and .csv files.


159.493537792 Gigabytes

Processing Information

In 2018, a vendor, contracted by the University of Virginia, created the .mp4, .xml, .jpg, and .md5 files enclosed in the .tar file when they made digital copies of the original recordings on 3/4 u-matic cassette tapes. Archivists at the University of Virginia then used a local Python script and the DROID file format identification tool to create the .txt and .csv metadata files associated with the recordings.

Repository Details

Part of the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library Repository

Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
1300 Jefferson Park Avenue
P.O. Box 800722
Charlottesville Virginia 22908-0722 United States