Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Mortimer C. Caplin Collection
Collection of profesional papers and personal memorabilia (1933-2014). Includes speeches, reports, photographs, certificates, scrapbooks.
Papers of Judge Richard L. Williams
Judicial papers (1979-2011) from Williams' chamber files. Chamber manuals, jury instructions, case files, correspondence, memoranda, digital files, opinions, calendars, scrapbooks.
Papers of Richard B. Lillich
Professional and private practice files (1957-1996) related to international issues: claims, human rights, nationalizations, refugees, Iran -U.S. Claims Tribunal, organ transplantation. Also Law School and case files.
Robert H. Knight Collection
Small collection of memorabilia (1966-2010) with some correspondence and photographs.
Steve Hopson Law School Memorabilia Collection
This collection (1993-2003) contains photographs of Law School graduation ceremonies.
The Papers of A. E. Dick Howard
Extensive collection of professional, academic and legal papers mainly about Constitutional Law, International Law and Environmental Law.