Found in 332 Collections and/or Records:
Report by Walter Reed and George A. Hopkins for the Adjutant General of the United States Army, July 31, 1898
Reed and Hopkins report on their inspection of the 1st and 2nd Division Hospitals at Camp Alger. They recommend additional tents and obtaining the services of two contract surgeons. The documents are dated July 31, 1898 and August 6, 1898. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report extract:Rapport sur L'épidémie de Fièvre Jaune à Grand Bassam
, by Dr. Bauvallet, October 25, 1922
Bauvallet reports on the use of Noguchi serum and vaccine to treat yellow fever cases in Bassam, Ivory Coast.
Report extract:Rapport sur L'épidémie de Fièvre Jaune à Ségou d'Octobre à Novembre 1922
, by Dr. Seguin, February 12, 1923
Seguin reports on the use of Noguchi serum and vaccine in French West Africa, and discusses its prophylactic value.
Report for Walter Reed, circa 1900
This document summarizes evaluations by inspectors and commanding officers about the work performed by Reed. Many of Reed's superiors give him an excellent rating and find him to be a competent medical officer. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report for Walter Reed, July 17, 1901
Reed provides a report of his assignments between June 30, 1900 and June 30, 1901 and lists his areas of expertise. Sternberg provides an efficiency report of Reed's performance. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report for Walter Reed, June 30, 1902
The efficiency report for Reed covers the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report for Walter Reed, June 30, 1900
Reed writes his efficiency report for the period, June 30, 1899 to June 30, 1900. Both Sternberg and Baldwin officially endorse Reed's report. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report fragment by Henry Rose Carter, circa 1880-1920
Report fragment:Impounded Waters
, circa 1921
These are Public Health Service specifications for impounded waters in malarial areas; autograph notes added.
Report fragment:Reports and Papers on Malaria Contracted in England in 1917 and 1918
, by [Henry Rose Carter ?], circa 1918
[Carter?] discusses the history of malaria in England.
Report fragment:Results of Blood Examinations, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
, circa 1918
This report records blood examinations in Mississippi.
Report from Alexander N. Stark to the Adjutant General, May 28, 1900
Stark reports of yellow fever cases at Columbia Barracks, Cuba. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from Alexander N. Stark to the Adjutant General, June 4, 1900
Stark reports cases of yellow fever.
Report from Alexander N. Stark to the Surgeon General, June 15, 1900
Stark gives a detailed report on the outbreak of yellow fever in Quemados de Marianao, Cuba and Columbia Barracks, Cuba. Stark claims that Mrs. Henry S. King is the first case of yellow fever. A Medical Board with Ames, Lazear, and three Cubans is created to investigate the outbreak. Stark highly commends the doctors and staff at Post Hospital. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from Alexander N. Stark to the Surgeon General, July 31, 1900
Stark takes over duties as Chief Sanitary Officer after Kean is taken ill by yellow fever. Stark describes his preventative measures against the spreading of the disease. He commends numerous individuals for their help in the epidemic. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from Harry Frederick Jackson to the Post Adjutant, July 29, 1901
Jackson reports on the condition of “Johnny's Place” which has been inspected by Echeverria. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from J. F. Dunshie to the Chief Surgeon, August 25, 1900
Dunshie lists the cases of yellow fever at Guanajay Barracks, Cuba. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from J. F. Dunshie to the Chief Surgeon, August 25, 1900
Dunshie lists the cases of yellow fever at Guanajay Barracks and reports about the precautionary methods taken to prevent the spread of the disease. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from Rafael T. Echeverria to the Adjutant General, July 16, 1900
Echeverria reports of medical activity in Marianao di Quemados de Marianao for the week ending July 14th, 1900. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report from Valery Havard to the Adjutant General, July 22, 1901
Havard reports on the health situation of the troops in Cuba for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901.