Found in 332 Collections and/or Records:
English translation [from French] of a report extract:Report on the Yellow Fever Epidemic in Grand Bassam
, by Dr. Bauvellet, October 25, 1922
Bauvallet reports on the use of Noguchi serum and vaccine to treat yellow fever cases in Bassam, Ivory Coast.
Estimate for the Financial Participation of the International Health Board in the Yellow Fever Campaign in Peru, circa 1921
Hanson estimates funding needed from the International Health Board for the Peruvian yellow fever campaign, with the employees and salaries for the different locations listed.
Expenses Incurred in Writing History of Yellow Fever, December 7, 1922
Carter lists expenses related to writing the History of Yellow Fever.
Experiences with the Yellow Fever Commission in Cuba 1900, by John R. Kissinger with related notes from Kissinger, circa 1930-1950
Extract from theAnnual Report of the Secretary of War, 1902
The report recognizes the work of Reed, Gorgas, Kean, Carroll, and Lazear.
Francis H. Fife papers
Final Report of the Yellow Fever Committee of the New York Association of Biology TeachersandTo the Members of the Yellow Fever Committees and to Those Who are Interested in the Epic Story of the Yellow Fever Commission in Cuba, circa 1933
Finlay Acusado Injustamente De Usurpador De Beauperthuy Por Un Profesor Venezolano, by Cesar Rodriguez Exposito, 1954
Rodriquez Exposito fights for the truth in the Finlay - Beauperthuy controversy.
Finlay Acusado Injustamente de Usurpador de Beauperthuy por un Profesor Venezolano, by Cesar Rodriguez Exposito with English translation, 1954
Fragment of a statement regarding Walter Reed, circa 1904
Kean states that Reed did not give up his life demonstrating the mosquito theory. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Fragment of theTwenty-fifth Annual Report of the President of the Johns Hopkins University, 1900
A short acknowledgement of Jesse W. Lazear's death and service to medical science.
Fue Finlay Y No Beauperthuy Quien Descubrio El Mosquito Como Agente De Transmision De La Fiebre Amarilla, by Cesar Rodriguez Exposito, June 19, 1954
Rodriguez condemns a proposed presentation that claims Beauperthuy, not Finlay, first suggested the mosquito transmitted yellow fever.
Fue Finlay Y No Beauperthuy Quien Descubrio El Mosquito Como Agente De Transmision De La Fiebre Amarilla, by Cesar Rodriguez Exposito with English translation, June 19, 1954
Grade report for Jesse W. Lazear, June 4, 1887
This is a report of Lazear's grades at Johns Hopkins University.
Hatching sheet, Coosa River, 1915, by the State Board of Health of Alabama, 1915
This report details reproduction of mosquitoes along the Coosa River.
Henry Rose Carter to P.M. Ashburn, report on control of malaria, April 15, 1922
Histories of Major Walter Reed's military career, 1902
History of Doctor Walter Reed's Illness from Appendicitis, circa 1903
Borden describes Reed's fatal attack of appendicitis and the treatment regimen followed before his death.
House of Representatives Report No. 841, March 5, 1930
House of Representatives Report No. 1022, July 27, 1914
This report recognizes officers whose work was instrumental in the construction of the Panama Canal.