timelines (chronologies)
Found in 8 Collections and/or Records:
Biographical information relating to Aristides Agramonte, circa 1920-1940
Family of Dr. Jesse William Lazear, circa 1947
Family of Dr. Jesse William Lazear, by Philip Showalter Hench, November 1946
Family of Dr. Jesse William lazear, by Philip Showalter Hench with annotations by Jane L. Gawne, November 1946-December 1954
Family tree for Dr. Jesse William Lazear andFamily of Dr. Jesse William Lazearboth written by Philip Showalter Hench and annotated by Peggy Briggs, February 1, 1947
Series VI. Alphabetical files, circa 1860-circa 1966, bulk: bulk 1940-1956
Series XIV. P. Kahler Hench additions, circa 1860-1965, bulk: bulk 1898-1965
Timeline of Aristides Agramonte's service with the Army Medical Corps, circa 1900-1940
This document outlines Agramonte's career; from April 18, 1898 to June 15, 1903.