Found in 214 Collections and/or Records:
Telegram from Melvin D. Brewer to Philip Showalter Hench, October 9, 1940
Brewer requests a photograph of Hench for publicity purposes.
Telegram from Melvin D. Brewer to Philip Showalter Hench, October 21, 1940
Brewer requests a copy of Hench's speech for newspaper release.
Telegram from Philip Showalter Hench to Eleanor Lappage, January 8, 1952
Hench informs Lappage that he has completed his reading copy for the Congress on Nutrition and Vitaminology lecture, but that it requires editing before publication.
Telegram from Philip Showalter Hench to Melvin D. Brewer, October 10, 1940
Hench informs Brewer that he will send him a photograph for publicity use.
Text of speech on yellow fever, circa 1900-1925
Carter discusses the sanitary issues surrounding yellow fever.
[Text of speech?] to the members of the Yellow Fever Committees, circa 1933
Peabody discusses yellow fever work dating back to 1897, with particular emphasis on the work done in Cuba, in 1900 and 1901, by Reed and the Yellow Fever Commission.
The Conquest of Yellow Fever: Memorandum by Dr. Philip S. Hench, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. After a Visit to Havana, Cuba, April 1940, August 20, 1940
Summary of Hench's research and trip to Havana, Cuba, with various autograph notes, memorandum, and addendum.
The Conquest of Yellow Fever: Memorandum by Dr. Philip S. Hench, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. After a Visit to Havana, Cuba, April 1940, August 20, 1940
Summary of Hench's research and trip to Havana, Cuba, with various autograph notes, memorandum, and addendum.
The South front of Trinity Hall Boarding School for Boys, Washington Pennsylvania, circa 1870-1900
Jesse W. Lazear attended Trinity Hall.
Types of Heroes, March 29, 1927
A student paper defines heroism.
View of a bacteriological room in a pathological building, circa 1898-1930
What the Engineer Can and Should Do Toward Prevention of Malaria and Mosquito Nuisances, by Joseph A. LePrince, September 1, 1924
LePrince reports on the role of the engineer in regards to malaria prevention.
Why Walter Reed General Hospital Was Named and Located as It Is: An Address to Student Nurses, by P.M. Ashburn, February 4, 1929
Ashburn's speech to an audience of student nurses is an overview of Reed's life and work. The piece includes an excerpt from the Surgeon General's report, 1900.
'X' Marks the Spot, a speech given by Philip Showalter Hench at the New Fellows Banquet for the Mayo Foundation House, January 20, 1955
[Hench] discusses his experiences in visiting sites where outstanding medical developments took place or where famous individuals lived or are buried. He includes an account of the yellow fever experiments. The speech was given at the New Fellows Banquet at the Mayo Foundation House.