Found in 214 Collections and/or Records:
Memoirs of a Human Guinea Pig, circa 1901-1950
This is Moran's account of his experience with the Yellow Fever Commission as a human test subject.
Memorandum from H.J. Harwick to Philip Showalter Hench, February 19, 1941
Harwick comments on Hench's annual report. Hench will continue working on experimental jaundice and researching the history of yellow fever.
Military orders for Walter Reed, March 27, 1895
Sternberg requests that Forwood, Winne, Reed, and Perley be sent as delegates to the American Medical Association meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, Mary 7-10, 1895. The letter, endorsements, and special orders are dated March 27, 1895 to March 30, 1895. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Military orders for Walter Reed, July 1890-August 1890
Reed requests a four-month leave of absence to attend to business matters and for pursuing special studies in his profession. Military endorsements and approval of Reed's leave are dated July 7, 1890 to August 18, 1890. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Military records relating to Walter Reed, October 1, 1890
Reed requests that he be assigned to duty in Baltimore so that he can pursue post-graduate medical study at Johns Hopkins University. The letter and military endorsements granting him a post as attending surgeon and examiner of recruits in Baltimore are dated from October 1, 1890 to October 4, 1890. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Notes on mosquito control, by Henry Rose Carter, 1916
Carter details ways to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes.
Notes on Reed and Carroll, by Charles S. White, circa January 10, 1942
[White] describes Reed and Carroll, both of whom he knew personally, and describes Reed's appendix operation. [White] administered the anesthetic for the operation.
Partial draft ofThe Conquest of Yellow Fever: Memorandum by Dr. Philip S. Hench, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. After a Visit to Havana, Cuba, April 1940, August 20, 1940
Partial draft ofThe Conquest of Yellow Fever: Memorandum by Dr. Philip S. Hench, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. After a Visit to Havana, Cuba, April 1940, August 20, 1940
Summary of Hench's research and trip to Havana, Cuba, with various autograph notes, memorandum, and addendum.
Pension for Mrs. Reed
, circa 1903
Photograph of a sketch of the Lazear Memorial Building at Washington and Jefferson College, Washington Pennsylvania, October 26, 1940
Physician's and Surgeon's Certificate of Registration, State of Maryland, City of Baltimore, October 12, 1896
Physician's and Surgeon's Certificate of Registration, State of Maryland, City of Baltimore.
Questions of the Day
,La Lucha, August 19, 1907
Questions of the Day
Ralph Cooper Hutchison at the dedication of the Lazear Memorial Building at Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania, October 26, 1940
Report on the conduct of nurse Lena A. Warner, April 17, 1902
Kean writes about Lena A. Warner's refusal to care for an officer's wife.
Students at Edinburgh University, 1890
Jesse W. Lazear is standing in the back row, second from the left.
Talk Given Before the Audience Attending the Dedication Exercises of the Monuments to the Personalities Who Participated in the Yellow Fever Experiments at Camp Lazear, by L.M. Tocantins, December 3, 1952
Tocantins notes Finlay's connection with Jefferson Medical College.
Telegram from Eleanor Lappage to Philip Showalter Hench, January 5, 1952
Lappage informs Hench that there will be receptions on January 23 and January 24.
Telegram from Eleanor Lappage to Philip Showalter Hench, January 8, 1952
Lappage requests that Hench edit the final draft of his speech and mail it to her.
Telegram from Joaquin del Castillo to Henry Rose Carter, March 21, 1921
Hanson reports on a yellow fever epidemic in Peru. The local newspaper is publishing articles denouncing his sanitary campaign.