genealogical tables
Found in 9 Collections and/or Records:
Family and ancestors of Dr. Jesse W. Lazear listed in a family tree annotated by Jane Gawne, January 1955
Family tree for Dr. Jesse William Lazear andFamily of Dr. Jesse William Lazearboth written by Philip Showalter Hench and annotated by Peggy Briggs, February 1, 1947
Family tree for Jesse W. Lazear's family, circa 1947
Family tree for Jesse W. Lazear's family, circa 1947
Family tree of Jesse W. Lazear, 1831
The family tree was copied from an original by Redmond John Grace that was made in 1831.
Genealogy charts for Walter Reed and Emily Lawrence Reed, 1973
Emily Lawrence Reed's chart goes back to Daniel Rea I who died in 1662 and his wife Bertha. Hannah Peck Rea married John Vaughan Lawrence in 1836 and had 10 children, one of whom was Emilie Blackwell Lawrence who married Walter Reed. Walter Reed's chart goes back to Governor William Reed who died in 1738. The charts include descendants of the extended families through 1973. This was part of the William Bennett Bean papers.