Found in 486 Collections and/or Records:
In a Yellow-Fever Camp: How the Pestilence Made Its Presence Known in Siboney---The American Hospital Tents in the Mountains--A Brave Physician and His Scanty Equipment
,The Argonaut, August 14, 1899
In Behalf of Mrs. Reed
, January 6, 1903
In Major Reed's Memory - A Society Formed to Erect Monument to Virginian
,Baltimore Sun, April 30, 1904
In Memory of Lazear
, 1902
In Memory of Lazear
,Baltimore News, December 1, 1902
In Recognition of a Great Achievement
,Boston Evening Transcript, December 30, 1929
Inadequate Service Widows' Pensions
,Army and Navy Register, March 7, 1929
Incidents of the Scourge of the South
,Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, September 21, 1878
Inoculacion por los Mosquitos - Entrevista con el Consul Espanol
,La Discusion, November 22, 1900
In this article, taken from La Discusion (November 22, 1900 - page 1), the Spanish ambassador is interviewed regarding the rumor of human experimentation by the Yellow Fever Commission.
Interesante Entrevista con el Jefe Local de Sanidad, Doctor Mc. Millan.
,El Gamagueyano, November 14, 1907
Investigaciones Sobre Fiebre Amarilla
,Real Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana, by George Miller Sternberg, June 10, 1888
Issue of theRichmond Times-Dispatchcontaining an article entitledWalter Reed - Virginia Hero of Medicine
, July 8, 1945
Issue ofPinar del Rioand copies of articles related to the yellow fever experiments, February 1948
Issue ofThe Washington Postthat contains articles about Walter Reed and the yellow fever experiments, May 25, 1961
James L. Hanberry - Denmark Man a National Hero
,The Times and Democrat[Orangeburg, South Carolina], September 21, 1969
Kahler Hench Wins Diving Championship
,Rochester Post-Bulletin, March 15, 1948
La Fiebre Amarilla Inoculada a los Inmigrantes Espanoles por Medio de Mosquitos!
,La Discusion, November 21, 1900
This article, taken from La Discusion (November 21, 1900 - page 2a), criticizes human experimentation by the Yellow Fever Commission as being primarily carried out on recent immigrants.