Pamphlets related to teenagers, parenting, and sex education (Addition 57) 2024-0102, 1928-1960
Scope and Contents
Addition 57 of MSS 16758, The University of Virginia Collection on the History of Childhood, Parenting, and Family Building, contains pamphlets related to teenagers, parenting, and sex education. These include: 1.) The school lunch, Battle Creek, Michigan:|bEducational Department, Postum Company, Inc., (1928); 2.) Sex in life: young men, by Dr. Douglas White (1933); Sex in life: young women, by Violet D. Swaisland (1933); 3.) What parents should tell... their children (1933); 4.) Starting to school in Kingsport, Kingsport, Tennessee, Kingsport City Schools (1953), 5.) How life goes on and on: story for girls of high school age, y Thurman B. Rice (1937); 6.) When children ask about sex, by the staff of the Child Study Association of America. Foreword by Marianne Kris (1953); 7.) Woman against myth, by Betty Millard (1948); 8.) The teacher and mental health [prepared by the National Institute of Mental Health] (1955); 9.)The safety zone:|ba frank talk with women concerning their personal problems (1940), 10.)Teen-agers and parties, Ernest F. Miller (1960), 11.) Tips for teeners by Antoinette Donnelly (c.1950); 12.) Think straight before you date, D.F. Miller. (1959); and 13) Teen-agers and dope, Howard Morin, C.SS.R. (1957)
See moreDates
- Creation: 1928-1960
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research use.
0.08 Cubic Feet (2 legals size folders)
Language of Materials
Repository Details
Part of the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library Repository
Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
P.O. Box 400110
University of Virginia
Charlottesville Virginia 22904-4110 United States