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Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond, Virginia, 1914

 File — Box: 3, Folder: 3

Scope and Contents

From the Sub-Series:

Box summaries Box 1: The Federal Reserve Bank Act and Federal Reserve system; the Federal Farm Loan Act; Panic of 1912; The Aldrich Bill; branch banks; central banking board; gold reserves; Currency [reform] Bill of 1913; Emergency Banking Act, 1933; the Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act; the Bank Bill of 1935; opposition to the National Industrial Recovery Act; the National Labor Relations Act; the Bank Holding Company Bill; and the Office... of Price Administration.

Box 2: Federal Reserve Act (Glass-Owen Bill)6454, 2639, 7837;Aldrich-Vreeland Law;Federal Farm Loan Act Rural Credits Bill;and Clayton Anti-Trust Bill

Box 3: Federal Reserve Act; Federal Reserve Banks; Federal Farm Loan Act; Land Mortgage Bank Bill; Branch banking; Kern Bill; Hollis Buckley Bill; Usury laws; Charles S. Hamlin; Edmund D. Hulbert; William Gibbs McAdoo; J. H. Tregoe; Woodrow Wilson; John Skelton Williams; Henry A. Moehlenpah; Frederic A. Delano; and Carter Glass

Box 4: Federal Farm Loan Act;Rural credits;Federal Reserve Amendments and responses; McFadden Bill; Hollis Buckley Bill; and gold certificates

Box 5: Federal Reserve Amendments and responses (Kitchin and Hardwick Bill);and Pomerene Bill. Charles S. Hamlin,William Gibbs McAdoo,Woodrow Wilson,Clayton Act,George M. Reynolds,Paul M. Warburg,John Skelton Williams,and Carter Glass

Box 6: Federal Reserve Amendments and responses (Kitchin and Hardwick Bill); Federal Reserve Act authorship; Capital Issues Committee; Federal Land Bank of Baltimore; and the Revenue Act of 1918.George Norris,Edmund Platt, Frederic A. Delano, William P. G. Harding,Paul M. Warburg,Charles S. Hamlin, John Skelton Williams,Henry Parker Willis,Eugene Meyer,and Carter Glass

Box 7: Federal Reserve Act authorship; Federal Farm Loan Amendments; Federal Land Banks; currency shortage; check collection; Smoot Bill; Liberty loans; Federal Reserve Bank of New York; railroad and shipping costs; War Finance Corporation; and Second Pan American Conference. William P. G. Harding,George W. Norris,Robert L. Owen,Russell C. Leffingwell,Benjamin Strong,John Skelton Williams renomination,William Gibbs McAdoo,Charles S. Hamlin,and Carter Glass

Box 8: Federal Reserve Act authorship; Clayton Anti-Trust Act; Smoot Bill; check collecting fees; branch banking; Virginia-Carolina Joint StockLandBank; budget bill; excess profits tax; gold; and Liberty bonds. Walter Edward Harris, Charles A. Korbly,Edmund Platt,William Skelton Williams,William P. G. Harding,William Gibbs McAdoo, Hollins N. Randolph,Henry Parker Willis,Russell C. Leffingwell,Arthur Capper,Thomas B. McAdams,and Carter Glass

Box 9: Federal Reserve Act and authorship; Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; Bank of Haysi; Bank of New York; Open market commercial paper rates; McFadden Bill; discount rates; Overman Resolution; Liberty bonds; Pan American Conference; and Russian trade.William P. G. Harding,John Skelton Williams,Thomas B. McAdams,Russell C. Leffingwell,Edmund Platt,John Thomas Heflin,Hollins N. Randolph,William Gibbs McAdoo,George J. Seay,Henry Parker Willis, George Armstrong,Benjamin Strong,and Carter Glass

Box 10: Federal Reserve System; McFadden Bill H. R. 2; Farm Loan Mortgage; discount rates and eligible paper; Pittman Silver Act; Frank A. Vanderlip banking plan; War Finance Corporation; Bank of New York; bank failure; Anderson Bill; Lenroot Bill; and William P. G. Harding reappointment.John Skelton Williams,Reed Smoot,Hollins N. Randolph,Russell C. Leffingwell,Thomas B. McAdams,Paul M. Warburg,Edmund Platt,Henry Parker Willis,Woodrow Wilson,Benjamin Strong, Daniel C. Roper, William Gibbs McAdoo,Charles S. Hamlin,George W. Norris,and Carter Glass

Box 12:Federal Reserve Act authorship; McNary-Haugen Billand (speech responses); McFadden Bill; Federal Farm Loan Act; and Carter Glass book. Walter Edward Harris,Paul Warburg,Norman Davis,Walter E. Edge,Charles W. Collins,Charles S. Hamlin,Henry Parker Willis,George J. Seay,Benjamin Strong,and Edmund Platt

Box 13: Pascagoula case; Federal Reserve Act authorship; McFadden Bill; "Committee of One Hundred"; Carter Glass book; and the McNary-Haugen Bill. Henry Parker Willis,William P. G. Harding,George J. Seay,Harry Flood Byrd,Bernard M. Baruch,Russell C. Leffingwell,Charles S. Hamlin,Charles W. Collins,Walter Edward Harris,Thomas B. McAdams,George W. Norris,and Edmund Platt

Box 14 Federal Reserve Act authorship; McFadden Bill; Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; Lafollette Resolution; “Committee of One Hundred”; Federal Home Loan Bill; misuse of Federal Reserve System; President Roosevelt criticism of Federal Reserve System; Charles E. Mitchell; and bank failures. Eugene Meyer,Edmund Platt,Henry Parker Willis,Bishop James Cannon, Jr., Thomas B. McAdams,Russell C. Plainwell,and Elben C. Folks

Box 15: Federal Reserve Act authorship; responses to Depression and banking crisis; Bank of Kentucky; curb stock speculations; security abuses; Charles E. Mitchell; McFadden Bill; and criticism of Herbert Hoover. Thomas B. McAdams,Walter B. Mahoney,John W. Pole,Edmund Platt,Henry Parker Willis,Bernard M. Baruch,Eugene Meyer,William P. G. Harding,George L. Harrison,George W. Norris,George J. Seay,and Richard C. Whitney

Box 16: Responses to the Depressionand(banking crisis); and Bank of Kentucky.Jouett Shouse,Henry Parker Willis,Henry B. Steagall,Eugene Meyer,Charles S. Hamlin,Milton S. Florsheim,Samuel M. Kaplan,and Elben C. Folkes

Box 17: Responses to the Depression and banking crisis; President Hoover Plan; Federal Land Banks; Wall Street bankers; bank failures; Bank of Kentucky; Federal Reserve Act authorship; Federal Farm Loan Act; Federal Home Loan; and Hoover moratorium. Bernard M. Baruch,Jouett Shouse,Richard C. Whitney,Charles S. Hamlin,Henry A. Moehlenpah,Millard E. Tydings,Henry Parker Willis,Andrew W. Mellon,Edmund Platt,Eugene Meyer,Russell C. Leffingwell,and Thomas B. McAdams

Box 18:Depression and banking crisis; Bank of Kentucky; Senate Committee on Banking and Currency Hearings; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Nye Report; Pan American Finance Conference; Gold; Silver; and death of E. C. Glass. Elben C. Folkes,Al Kaplan,Herbert Hoover,Jouett Shouse,Charles S. Hamlin,George L. Harrison, Thorwald Siegfried, Eugene Meyer,and Pat H. Drewery

Box 19:Federal Home Loan Bank; Federal Land Bank of Baltimore; foreclosures; Glass-Steagall; and Henry Parker Willis articles in France on gold upsetting to colleagues.Franklin Delano Roosevelt,John W. Pole,Henry B. Steagall,Oliver J. Sands,Russell C. Leffingwell,Charles W. Collins,Charles S. Hamlin,and George L. Harrison

Box 20-24: Glass Steagall responses; and Glass speech on gold

Box 25: Glass-Steagall Act; Goldsborough Bill; gold standard; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Joint Stock Land Banks;Revenue Act of 1932; responses to Carter Glass speech;praise for Carter Glass; bank failures; Banking study; Holiday proclamation by President Roosevelt; Funding for projects such as the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and a bridge across the Potomac River; Herbert Hoover;Newton D. Baker;Russell C. Leffingwell;George L. Harrison; Eugene Meyer; Samuel Untermyer; Chester Morrill; George W. Norris; Richard S. Whaley;Princess Amelie Rives Troubetzkoy;James F. Byrnes;Louis Wiley; Robert J. Bulkley;John W. Owens;HenryParker Willis; and the Dallas Chamber of Commerce

Box 26: Responses to banking crisis and Depressionand criticism of Herbert Hoover

Box 27: Responses to Depression; McNary-Haugen Bill; Home Loan Bill; Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933; Thomas Bill; Federal Reserve Amendment Section 10b; Glass-Steagall Banking Act; and Credit Report U.S. S. R. (George N. Peek).George L. Harrison,Chester Morrill,Russell C. Leffingwell,Louis T. McFadden,Emmanuel Kaplan,Hugh S. Johnson,and the National Recovery Act

Box 28: Glass-Steagall Act responses; Emergency Bank Bill; California banks; and Goldsborough Amendment. Edmund Platt and Frank A. Vanderlip

Box 29: Glass-Steagall Act responses, and Section 19 Statewide branch banking for national banks; Huey Long filibuster; bank guarantees; Charles E. Mitchell investigation; and continued moratorium on closing banks. Duncan U. Fletcher; Ferdinand Pecora; and Virginia Governor John Garland Pollard

Box 30: Gold, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Senate Banking and Currency Committee investigation of J. P. Morgan; Glass-Steagall Banking Act; National Recovery Act; Emergency Banking Act relief; Morris Plan; and criticism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Duncan U. Fletcher; and William Gibbs McAdoo

Box 31: Senate investigation of J. P. Morgan;Gold standard; Expand use of silver; stability of the dollar; praise for Carter Glass radio speech “Facts about Fiscal Policy of Our Government During the Past Few Years” and “Shall We Go Over the Precipice?” Duncan U. Fletcher; Edmund Platt; and Herbert L. Myrick

Box 32: Rsponses to Glass speech [“Shall We Go Over the Precipice?”] against Roosevelt inflation bill; Emergency Bank Bill; Bankruptcy legislation; Banking Act of 1935; Credit Union Act; Marriner S. Eccles as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board; Branchbanking; Bank of the United States; death of Eugerne R. Black; and Philippine currency. Charles S. Hamlin; Edmund Platt; George W. Norris; George L. Harrison; Herny Parker Willis; Paul M. Warburg; Henry B. Steagall; Clifton A. Woodrum; Edward W. Kemmerer;Rudolph Spreckels; Sam M. Kaplan; John Foster Dulles; Milton Friedman; T. F. Wentworth; Dean Acheson; Chester Morrill; Walter Wyatt; Eugene R. Black; James P. Warburg; and James Elliott Heath

Box 33: (Fletcher-Rayburn Bill, Kean Bill; National Securities Exchange Act, McLeod Bill, or the Banking Act of 1935); Federal Reserve Amendment Section 12b; Morris-Sheppard Bill; Chester Morrill; Thomas B. McAdams; William Gibbs McAdoo; Elmer Thomas; Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Eugene Meyer; Duncan U. Fletcher; Jesse H. Jones; and Richard C. Whitney

Box 34: Banking Act of 1933; National Securities Exchange Act; Kean Bill; Fletcher-Rayburn Bill; misuse of the Federal Reserve System; de-evaluation of the dollar; and Gold Reserve Act

Box 35: Banking Act of 1935; Gold Reserve Act; Gold speech of Russell C. Leffingwell; National Recovery Act; Hugh S. Johnson; Kaplan Plan; Robert L. Owen inquiry; Huey Long; Goldsborough Amendment;Elmer Thomas; Charles S. Hamlin; George Wharton Pepper; Henry H. Heiman; Henry Parker Willis; George W. Norris; Duncan U. Fletcher; J. F. T. O’Connor; Robert D. Kent; Royal S. Copeland; Edward W. Kemmerer; and A. Willis Robertson

Box 36: Responses to the Banking Act of 1935; Harry Flood Byrd; Duncan U. Fletcher; A. Willis Robertson; Leo T. Crowley; Jesse H. Jones; Edmund Platt; Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; J. F. T. O’Connor; Thomas B. McAdams; and Thomas P. Gore

Box 37: Responses to the Banking Act of 1935; Glass concerns about Marriner S. Eccles as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board and criticism of government and political control of banking; Federal Reserve Act authorship; Goldsborough Amendment; Townsend Plan; A. H. Dobson; Frank A. Vanderlip; Irving Fisher; Walter Lichtenstein; Arthur Capper; Duncan U. Fletcher; Bennett Champ Clark; Thomas P. Gore; Henry Heiman; Thomas B. McAdams; Hollins N. Randolph; Hugo L. Black; and Thorwald Siegfried

Box 38: Banking Act of 1935; Gold clause; Comptroller of the Currency; silver; Robert L. Owen inquiry; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; repeal of Thomas Amendment; concern about Marriner S. Eccles as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board; portrait of John Skelton Williams; Edmund Platt; Agnes and Eugene Meyer; Chester Morrill; Robert F. Wagner; Kenneth D. McKellar; George L. Harrison; Harry S. Truman; George W. Norris; Henry Parker Willis; Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Marriner S. Eccles and Russell C. Leffingwell(Treasury and Nye Report)

Box 39: Repeal Thomas Amendment; Branch banking; Bankhead-Jones Farm Act; Federal Land Bank of Baltimore Bank Holding companies; and Reconstruction Finance Corporation.William Gibbs McAdoo,Edmund Platt,Thomas B. McAdams,Henry Heiman,Jesse H. Jones,Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,Robert L. Owen,and the death of Henry Parker Willis

Box 40: Henry Parker Willis Foundation; Federal Reserve Act anniversary; J. F. T. O’Connor resignation; misuse of the Federal Reserve System; Robert L. Owen and Carter Glass accusations against Marriner S. Eccles; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Clayton Act; Mead Bill; De-evaluation of the dollar;silver program; Gold Act; Home Owners Loan Corporation Act; Self-liquidating Bill; and Barden Bill.Edmund Platt,Jesse H. Jones, William Gibbs McAdoo,Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,Robert F. Wagner,and Marriner S. Eccles

Box 41: Tribute to Edmund Platt; Embargo Act; Banking and Currency Committee pending legislation; Branch banking; Silver Purchase Act; de-evaluation of the dollar; Trust Indenture Act (Robert F.Wagner); Bank Holding company; Jones Wheeler Bill; Federal Home Loan Bank Act; Clayton Act; Townsend Plan; FDIC; Pittman Amendment; Farm Relief Bill; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Wagner Lea Bill; and disappointment with Marriner S. Eccles;Harry Flood Byrd,Jesse H. Jones,Henry Heiman,Frederic Delano,and Leo T. Crowley

Box 42: Tribute to Carter Glass; Banking and Currency Committee pending legislation; FDIC and excess profits tax; Federal Reserve Amendment Section 23; medal for Howard Hughes; American Palestine Committee (Robert F. Wagner); Farm credit; Credit Union Act; price control; Bank Holding Company; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; de-evaluation of the dollar Federal Reserve Act authorship; and criticism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Cordell Hull; Walter Lichtenstein; Chester Morrill; Robert F. Wagner; and Leo T. Crowley

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  • Creation: 1914

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research. Restrictions apply to veterans claims.


From the Collection: 141 Cubic Feet (285 document boxes, 3 oversize flat boxes)

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