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University Athletic posters_addition

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: ViU-2021-0015

Content Description

This addition to RG 27 Athletics contains posters, drawings, printed ephemera, and brochures. The bulk of the addition is promotional posters for men's and women's athletic teams including basketball, football, field hockey, and soccer. Also included are designs for the logo, brochures about the season, and other ephemera.

Acquisition Type




Restrictions Apply


Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.


  • Creation: c.1979-1999



1.35 Cubic Feet (1 half legal document box, 1 large flat box, and 1 small flat file folder)


Box 1 Flat Box 2 contains posters of men's and women's athletics and original artwork and design work for logos and posters Oversize_flat_file_folder ViU2022-0015_001 contains football and basket ball posters

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Cultural context

Genre / Form


  • Posters of various athletics teams, individuals, and general promotional posters for a variety of UVA athletic teams. Before the accession arrived the University Archivist, LZL, removed Plaques that look like clapperboards: 1.Mike Moraghan 2.Debby Stroman 3.Buzzy Wilkinson4.George Welsh 5.Cherie Greer 6.Jeff Jones 7. Debbie Ryan 8.Ernest Ern 9. Bill Dudley 10. Wally Walker “Paint the Town Orange” duplicate materials (2 copies retained): Flyers for Sep. 10 pep rally, parking placardsBumper stickers (2 retained): UVA Yes!, Great Time! UVa Football, ‘Hoos’11doit. Do it Hoos: get ‘em, Do It ‘Hoods: Cavaliers on the rise!, Brochures (2 retained): Do It Hoos (football, 1982),Great Times... (1985 football), Do It Hoos, It’s a Ball: The Cavalier Experience, Youth Day at UVA ’84, UVA Yes! Light up your Saturdays. 3 basketballs, 1 football, 3 football helmets presented to President Sullivan.