Product Liability – Comments on Staff Working Draft # 2 on “A Bill to regulate interstate commerce by providing for a uniform liability law, and for other purposes.” Extensive correspondence, memoranda, drafts, comments from interested parties, news clippings. Statement of Stephen Lyons on behalf of the Coalition for Uniform Product Liability Law; statements of Joseph Goffman (Public Citizen Watch), Pamela Gilbert (U.S. Public Interest Research Group), Linda Lipsen (Consumers Union), Gene Kimmelman (Consumer Federation of America) on S. 1999, the Product Liability Voluntary Claims and Uniforms Standards Act; statement of Patrick J. Head on behalf of The Lawyers’ Advisory Committee of the Product Liability Task Force of the Business Roundtable; testimony of HALT – An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform; testimony of Peter W. Huber; statement of Keith L. Davidson on behalf of the American Bar Association; testimony by Deborah R. Hensler, ICJ; statement of Professor Teresa Moran Schwartz, George Washington University Law School; testimony by Victor E. Schwartz, counsel to the Product Liability Alliance; testimony of Leslie Cheek III, Crum & Foster Insurance Companies; FMC Corporation: “Proposed Statutory Language Establishing Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedures”; written statement of the Chemical Manufacturers Association on the Availability and Cost of Liability Insurance (4 March 1986); statement by James H. Mack, National Machine Tool Builders’ Association (11 March 1986);testimony by Edward J. Burger, Institute for Health Policy Analysis; statement of the Health Industry Manufacturers Association (25 March 1986); statement of National Federation of Independent Business (25 March 1986), 1985-1986
Scope and Contents
(5 folders)
- Creation: 1985-1986
- From the Collection: Kinzler, Peter (Person)
From the Collection: 10.5 Linear Feet (27 archival boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Arthur J. Morris Law Library Special Collections Repository
Arthur J. Morris Law Library
580 Massie Road
University of Virginia
Charlottesville Virginia 22903 United States