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Forensic Mental Health Issues. Notes , 1974-1984

 File — Box: MSS 93-2, Box 17

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Saleem Shah collection documents his work in forensic psychology and law, a specialized field he helped establish. The files, dating from the early 1960s to the time of his death, concern his many research and writing projects, work he did for various organizations including NIMH, international projects and travel, and correspondence with colleagues. The folder headings used here were copied from Shah's folders; occasionally, explanatory information has been added in brackets.

A portion of the papers was transferred from his home office and the other portion from his office at the National Institute of Mental Health in Rockville, Maryland. The collection is housed in two locations: the extensive body of printed material is located in the reference collection of the Center for Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy (formerly at the Blue Ridge hospital); the correspondence and other working files are located in Special Collections of the Law Library and are described in this inventory.

The Shah papers richly complement other collections in mental health and law donated by Richard Bonnie, Harvey Fireside, Browning Hoffman, James M. Martinez and Dr. Loren Roth.


  • Creation: 1974-1984



From the Collection: 25 Cubic Feet (59 archival boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Arthur J. Morris Law Library Special Collections Repository

Arthur J. Morris Law Library
580 Massie Road
University of Virginia
Charlottesville Virginia 22903 United States