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Christiani and Nielsen Visa Matter, 1943 - 1949

 File — Container: MSS 04-2, Box 43, Folder: 7

Scope and Contents

Binder with 16 sections regarding "Christiani Visa Matter" that deals with citizenship and whether or not Henning Christiani was a collaborator with the Germans during World War II. Sections include: Memorandum for Mr. Laylin, 1. Christiani and Nielsen Memorandum, 2. letter to Henning Christiani, 3. Memo of a conversation between Mr. Steger and Mr. Hyde at the U.S. Consulate on 12th January 1948, 4. Telephone conversation of December 11, 1947 with Francis Cunningham of State Department, concerning visas, 5. Translation of Depostition made by former Prime Minister Erik Scavenius before the investigating committee of hte Engineering Society in the matter of the investigation of the conduct of its member, Dr. Rud. Christiani, during the late war, 6. "Danish Saboteurs Wreck Nazi Plants" text from New York Times article dated Sunday, February 21, 1943, 7. "Nazis Hinted Giving Up Norway and Denmark" text from New York World-Telegram article dated Thursday, February 3, 1944, 8. "Nazis Plan to Leave Norway, Denmark" text from The London Daily Sketch artcled dated Thursday, February 3, 1944, 9. Statement (from Christiani?), 10. Translation of Memorandum on the Work of Ardal, 11. Translation of Letter of Auugst 19, 1949, from Dr. Christiani to Mr. Henning O. Christiani, New York, in excerpt, 12. Translation of memorandum from Mr. C. L. David, barrister to the Supreme Court, to Mr. Steglich-Petersen, barrister to the Supreme Court, regarding Dr. Rud. Christiani vs. The Danish Engineering Society dated August 15, 1949, in excerpt, 13. Translation of letter of April 20, 1949, from the Ministry of Justice to Mr. Steglich-Petersen, attorney for Dr. Rud Christiani, informing Mr. Steglich-Petersen that the Ministry of Justice has written the Attorney General that they accept his recommendation that hte Ministry not take up again the matter of violation of hte ex post facto laws relating to association with the enemy during the occupation of which Dr. Christiani was absolved of February 7, 1947, -- in spite of additional relevant data extracted by the investigating committee of the Danish Engineering Society, 14. Translation Royal Danish Legation letter, 15. Translation of letter of June 13, 1949, from Dr. Rud. Christiani to Mr. Henning O. Christiani, care of Christiani & Nielsen Ltda, Bogota, Colombia, in excerpt, 16. Translation of letter between Henning O. Christiani and Christiani & Nielsen / Rud Christiani


  • Creation: 1943 - 1949



From the Collection: 22.3 Cubic Feet (56 archival boxes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Arthur J. Morris Law Library Special Collections Repository

Arthur J. Morris Law Library
580 Massie Road
University of Virginia
Charlottesville Virginia 22903 United States