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Annie Laurie Crawford Papers

Identifier: 2022-079

Scope and Contents

This collection consists primarily of publications, presentations, memos, conference reports, and correspondence, by Annie Laurie Crawford. These include articles written for professional journals and reports of staff development and consultation activities conducted by Crawford, such as workshops, seminars, institutes and programs for psychiatric aids, LPNs, and RNs. They correspondence includes Crawford's letters to journal editors, communication... with health institutions related to psychiatric nursing consulting work, and correspondence with state nurses associations. The collection also contains pamphlets and articles collected by Crawford, mostly related to mental health and psychiatric nursing, and certificates and awards presented to her over the course of her career. Materials range in date from the 1940s to the 1980s, and represent an overview of Crawford's career and interests rather than an extensive collection of her work. A collection of books, by Crawford and others, was separated from the manuscript materials and has been incorporated into the holdings of the Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry and the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library Historical Collections.

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  • Creation: Majority of material found in 1940-1980

Biographical / Historical

Annie Laurie Crawford was born in western South Carolina, 1904, the oldest of six children. Entering Lander College in 1920, Ms. Crawford left after two years to take up a teaching post in rural South Carolina. She returned to formal studies in 1927, entering the Highland Hospital School of Nursing in North Carolina. She remained there for seven years, first as a student, then a nurse, then as a nursing director of the oldest private psychiatric school... of nursing in the country. She went back to school in 1939 at the University of Washington in Seattle. Over the years she also completed graduate studies at Columbia University in New York and at the University of Minnesota.

During World War Two Ms. Crawford was commissioned a naval reserve nurse and served three years at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital, until 1946. She retired from the Navy with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. During the 1950s Crawford worked as a psychiatric nursing consultant, first for the state of Minnesota and later for the Florida State Board of Health in Jacksonville. After that, she became Director of the staff development project for mental health and psychiatric nursing for the Southern Regional Education Board in Atlanta, a job she held for seven years. In the 1970s Crawford headed the nursing section at Tennessee Midsouth Regional Medical Center in Nashville, and was an associate professor at Vanderbilt University there. She retired in 1973 as Director of the Family Nurse Clinician and Primex programs at the Vanderbilt School of Nursing. In 1979 she was named among the first ten honorary fellows of the American Academy of Nursing.

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1.25 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


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