Showing Collections: 1101 - 1120 of 1442
Spanish Consulate in Norfolk, Virginia records
The first ledger contains correspondence between the Spanish embassies in New York and Philadelphia, and its consular office in Norfolk, Va., 1797-1817. Most letters are addressed to Spanish diplomats Josef Ignacio de Viar and Carlos Martinez de Irujo. The second ledger is a bound log of shipping activity from Norfolk to Cuba and other ports, 1817-1840.
Special Collections Shelf Lists and Reference Card Files
This collection includes vault shelflist cards, cards for archives and manuscript books, an audiovisual card file, the manuscript shelflist, National Union Catalog for Manuscript Collection cards, the archives shelflist, a microfilm card file, and a donor and dealer card file.
Special Committee on Clinical Education records
Memorandum and interim report.
Spectators at a University of Virginia football game, photograph
James Madison Spiller letter
James Madison Spiller letter to Dr. I. L. Twyman, 1853, 0.03 cubic feet,consists of a signed letter on a single sheet of blue paper, hand written in ink in regard to the negotiation of a sale of two Negro "family girls." The girls were being sold by Dr. Twyman and S[piller was helping to facilitate the sale to Seth Woodruff. Current market price for a girl are mentioned, as well as the effects of war in Europe on other market prices.
Cleo Sprouse photograph
Ephraim George Squier letters to Charles Eliot Norton
St. Vincent's Hospital School of Nursing Collection
Combined donation of Patricia M. Quill (b. ca. 1935) and Pamela J. Brink concerning the St. Vincent's Hospital SON, where Quill was a student in the 1950s and later involved in alumnae activities. The collection includes a procedure manual, 1953; photographs; School of Nursing alumni directory, 1999; and historical pamphlets.
Stanley Methodist Church subscription
Stanley Methodist Church subscription, dated 1915, consists of 0.03 cubic feet, and is a sheet with ruled lines and columns containing signatures and correlating dollar amounts to to pay the treasurer, D. M. Hodesett for the purpose of erecting a brick church building in the town of Stanley, Virginia.
State and Local Government Policy Clinic records
This collection consists of materials that document the work of the State and Local Government Policy Clinic at the University of Virginia School of Law. These materials include websites and publications. The collection also contains items documenting the clinic's participation in major projects including the Commission to Examine Racial and Economic Inequality in Virginia Law (2019-2022).
Staunton Virginia Farm and Boarding House account book (during Civil War)
John G. Staysa Civil War Diary
Margaret Stephenson collection on Nansemond County Training School
Steve Hopson Law School Memorabilia Collection
This collection (1993-2003) contains photographs of Law School graduation ceremonies.
Elizabeth Stoddard letters to Ella Farman
Three autograph letters of Elizabeth Stoddard signed, to Ella Farman, author and editor of Wide Awake discussing the literary periodical press, payments to authors, and other matters. Written legibly in ink on three folded sheets of "E.D.B.S." (Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard) embossed stationary. This collection is an addition to Elizabeth Stoddard letters in the Barrett Collection (MSS 8266, 8266-a).
Gladys Stone album from Randolph Macon Women's College
Louis P. Stone Letter
Sarah Stoughton commonplace book
Stowe grocery store ledgers
The Stowe grocery store ledgers (1870-1934; 0.4 cubic feet) document the operation of the titular family's grocery store in Petersburg, Virginia. Ledgers document monthly expenses for items ranging from rent to flour to labor. The collection also contains a small file of personal letters and bills for appliances.