Showing Collections: 81 - 100 of 1441
Hira Azher posters
Isabella Bain memory album
Timothy H. Bakken collection of historic letters
This collection of Timothy Bakken historical letters, 1836-1881, is 0.03 cubic feet and contains twelve letters from Henry A. Wise, Thomas Masters, Alpheus Baker, Austin Willey (to Joseph Palmer Fessenden), J. Allred, William Brown, Edward Downing Barber about slavery, politics, business, church, and family.
Barbara Brodie Nursing History Collection Additions
Emerita University of VIrginia School of Nursing Faculty, Former ECBCNHI Director. Nursing history publications to be integrated with her other donations. Also Virginia Henderson items. This collection is not processed.
Barbara Brodie Nursing History Collections
Miscellaneous nursing history materials. This collection is not processed.
Barbara H. Dunn Papers
Barbara Sheer Nurse Practitioner Collection
Materials concern the National Alliance of Nurse Practitioners (NANP), the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, and various related general interest files. Item types include administrative files, standards of practice, newsletters, and legislative advocacy, including healthcare reform.
John Barber papers
Benjamin Johnson Barbour scrapbook
M. L. Barker's Art album of Pin Pricking
This collection consists of an Art album containing (pin) pricking designs used for stationary, embroidery patterns, home-made cards, and paper decoration. There are different sizes of tiny pinholes punched into geometric and picturesque designs. Many pages are decorated with foil border and die-cut ornament illustrations pasted on at the corners. No date and no text. There is a signature in the front cover that says M. L. Barker.
Barrett Minor Authors Literary Collection Index cards
This collection consists of index cards, in alphabetical order, listing the hundreds of individual authors and manuscripts that form the Clifton Waller Barrett Minor Authors Literary Collection.
Barrister organization records
Collection of contact sheets and negative photos
Barrow and Davey family papers
D. G. Barton et al signed letter to Honorable Richard E. Parker
D. G. Barton et al signed letter to Honorable Richard E. Parker, 1826, March 15, consists of 0.03 cubic feet, and is a letter in reference to the creation of a new county (in Winchester, Virginia) and concern for the location of the courts.
Base Hospital No. 41 collection
Base hospital No. 41 Saint Denis photographs
Base Hospital No. 41 Saint Denis, 1918, 0.03 cubic feet contains photographs of patients, nurses, doctors, facilities, and outside scenes depicting hospital life.
Archer B. Bass World War I papers
Battle Abbey, Richmond Virginia, photograph
Battle Abbey, Richmond, Virginia photograph, undated, 0.03 cubic feet, taken by A. Homeier Studio, at the intersection of Boulevard and Patterson Avenue.
J. Battle letter to Samuel Battle
The J. Battle letter to Samuel Battle (circa 1797; 0.03 cubic feet) documents one piece of the titular relatives' correspondence. The letter is marked "Care of Thomas Maule"; Maule may have been the same Maule that owned a soap and candle factory in late-18th century Virginia. Little information circulates online about either of the Battles, but the contents of the letter should be legible to those accustomed to reading 18th-century cursive.