Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6
Correspondence of William W. Crapo Concerning the Alabama Claims Cases
Papers of James L. Skerritt
Professional legal files (1935-1974) regarding the claims of Thomas Smidt and Richard H. Strongman with property in Germany at the time of their deaths in 1940. Also files of H. P. James, John J. Slater and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney.
Papers of Richard B. Lillich
Professional and private practice files (1957-1996) related to international issues: claims, human rights, nationalizations, refugees, Iran -U.S. Claims Tribunal, organ transplantation. Also Law School and case files.
The Papers of David A. Martin
This collection of professional and academic papers relate to Martin's expertise as an international law and immigration lawyer, professor of International Law at the University of Virginia School of Law, as an author, researcher and public servant.
The Papers of Donald K. Duvall
Judicial and pProfessional papers that pertain to Mr. Duvall's tenure as Administrative Law Judge and as attorney specializing in Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (1936-1996).