Showing Collections: 861 - 880 of 956
Versailles Union newspaper
Handwritten amateur newspaper containing fourteen pages of text bound at the top, written on lined paper created in Versailles, Ohio. Several boys signed their names to the articles, including two members of the Schman family. The first two articles are on western trips -- one to the Indiana/Ohio border and the other to Iowa. Also included are poetry and editorials.
Robert L. Vickery papers
Daniel Rutledge Vining correspondence
This collection consists of several letters to Daniel Rutledge Vining, an economics professor at the University of Virginia. The letters are primarily personal correspondences to colleagues and friends. Included is correspondence with Hardy Dillard regarding Dillard's farewell dinner. There is also a letter to Mrs Margaret Vining and a letter to Rutledge Vining from Fred Vining (about items for purchase-watch, candelabra, binoculars).
Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company receipts
This collection contains thirty-two freight receipts for agricultural goods shipped by John Dickinson from Liberty Depot, Virginia.
Virginia Department of Education film strips and slides: of John White drawings of Algonquins in Roanoke, Virginia and the Jamestown Colony
Film strips and slides of John White's drawings of "Algonquins in Roanoke, Virginia and the Jamestown Colony.
Virginia enslaver documents
This collection of Elisha Roberts and other enslavers holders documents (1822-1860; 0.03 cubic feet) consists of inventories, bill of sales, and appraisal lists of household items including enslaved people of Elisha Roberts, Gotlif Schmidt, James Broddus, Robert Allen Givens, John Cornelison, Jr., Francis Carter, Archibal Brooks, Henry Carpenter, Lewis Campbell, John Bentley, and Talton Taylor.
Virginia Folklore Society records
Virginia freedwomen cased photograph (three sisters)
Encased photograph (sixth plate tintype in original case) of three emancipated sisters, Tucker family, Lynchburg, Virginia, James River plantation area.
Virginia governors listings
Virginia governors listings, 1966, 0.03 cubic feet, consisting of an alphabetical and chronological list of Virginia governors and Virginia colonial governos with extensive notes in Marjorie Carver's hand.
Virginia Immigration Society deeds
Virginia Music Teachers Association records
Virginia-North Carolina Baseball League score book
Virginia-North Carolina Baseball League score book, dated 1905, 1909, 0.03 cubic foot, Spalding's official base ball score book used to score games between August 12th and 16th, 1905. Games were played in Charlotte, N.C. including a double header between Charlotte and Greensboro, Charlotte and Danville, games at Edenton between Edenton and Colerain, and games at Edenton between Edenton and Colerain. There are also games from an unidentified North Carolina league in 1909.
Virginia photography studios photographs
Virginia Reelers Square Dance Club records
The Virginia Reelers Square Dance Club records (1953-2008; 3 cubic feet) document the history and operation of the Reelers. Club records include correspondence, meeting minutes, event advertisements, and membership lists. Other collection materials include two financial ledgers tracking member dues and pages from six photograph albums documenting various dances and spring festivals.
Virginia Spectator papers
Chiefly financial papers including a ledger, 1939-1940, loose bills and receipts, a certificate of incorporation, 1938, and a copy of the Constitution and By laws of the Jefferson Society indicating that the Spectator was a publication of the Society.
Virginia State Fair photographs
Virginia Union University Class of 1950 photograph
Virginia Union University Class of 1950 photograph, 1950, 5 x7 inch black and white outdoor photo taken on the steps of a prominent building, 0.03 cubic feet.
Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland, and New York photographs
Petra Vogt papers
Carl von Lang-Puchhof thoroughbred racehorse portrait album
The von Lang-Puchhof album (1891-1911; 0.25 cubic feet) consists of 165 racehorse photographs from a golden age of European racing before breeding was disrupted by the Great War. Most of the photographs are of mares, often with foals, in each case fully named with the identity of the sire provided. Two additional photographs are mounted on boards and laid in. The album was apparently compiled by or for owner and breeder, Carl von Lang-Puchhof.