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Showing Collections: 1161 - 1180 of 1410

The Papers of Harold O. Pressman

Identifier: MSS-95-5

Collection of memorabilia related to the National Support Law and some Law School notes, 1954-1968.

Dates: 1954-1968

The Papers of Harry LeRoy Jones

Identifier: MSS-85-7

This collection of administrative files that pertain to the Department of Justice Alien Property Division (1934-1959) contain claims and litigation files including correspondence, memoranda and other materials; numbered opinions of the Division’s General Counsel; claims decisions and related correspondence; and numerous drafts proposals and correspondence regarding the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. Of special interest are the gold cases.

Dates: Majority of material found in 1917-1975, 1934-1966

The Papers of Harvey Fireside

Identifier: MSS-95-4

Papers (1977-1987) that relate to the APA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry. There are case files. Russian manuscripts, photographs

Dates: 1977-1987

The Papers of Henry S.K. Morison

Identifier: MSS-78-8

Three letters, responses from Socrates Maupin and John B. Minor to questions asked by the Morisons.

Dates: 1864-04-26 - 1874-02-11

The Papers of Herbert Johnson

Identifier: MSS-82-4

Small collection of correspondence between Herbert Johnson, Law ’27 and the University of Virginia School of Law and the Law School Alumni Association.

Dates: 1926-1977

The Papers of Howard Klee re Amoco - U. S. EPA Pollution Prevention Project of Yorktown, Virginia

Identifier: MSS-2012-04

This collection of documents (1988-1995) reflects one of the earlier corporate and government efforts to prevent and reduce pollution. It contains data collection and analysis, projects, budgets, maps, correspondence, interviews, drafts, reports and photographs.

Dates: 1988-1995

The Papers of J. Wilson Newman

Identifier: MSS-85-12

Records that include correspondence, memoranda, reports, reviews, legislation, speeches, public hearings, created by J. Wilson Newman when he served on the Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States (1970-1973), the Price Commission (1971-1973) and the President’s Task Force on Improving the Prospects of Small Businesses.

Dates: 1955-1978

The Papers of James B. McClellan on the Panama Canal Treaty Debates

Identifier: MSS-83-1

Collection of briefs, memoranda, pamphlets, manuscript and published materials, pamphlets that document McClellan's tenure as minority counsel to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Separation of Powers, 1977 - 1978.

Dates: 1977-1978

The Papers of James Hoge Ricks

Identifier: MSS-85-14

The Papers of Jeffrey O'Connell

Identifier: MSS-84-3

This collection includes research materials and clippings, professional and personal correspondence, publishing and editing material for many books, and information on O'Connell's method for public speaking. In the latter category are numerous letters to and from presidential candidates and their staffs, including Jimmy Carter, Edmund Muskie, Michael Dukakis, and Gary Hart.

Dates: Majority of material found in 1951-1987

The Papers of John B. Minor, 1845 - 1893

Identifier: MSS-79-8

Small collection of historical importance to the history of the University of Virginia School of Law. Contains teaching materials, legal documents, correspondence and some memorabilia.

Dates: 1845 - 1893

The Papers of John Barbee Minor, Jr.

Identifier: MSS-80-4

Personal files related to the University of Virginia law alumni and memorabilia.

Dates: 1980

The Papers of John Bassett Moore

Identifier: MSS-78-9

Small collection of correspondence, newspaper clippings and memorabilia.

Dates: 1894-1966

The Papers of John C. McCoid II

Identifier: MSS-94-2

University of Virginia documents realtive to the admission of women, teaching materials and student notebooks.

Dates: Majority of material found in 1950-1953, 1968, 1972

The Papers of John Norton Moore

Identifier: MSS-85-17

This collection of professional and personal notes, correspondence and working papers documents the work of John Norton Moore as a professor and director of the Oceans Law and Policy Center and the Center for National Security Law at the University of Virginia. It also documents Moore's public service as legal advisor, witness and counselor to national and international organizations.

Dates: 1969 - 2019

The Papers of John Ritchie III

Identifier: MSS-78-11

Collection of miscellaneous professional papers, mainly of correspondence concerning legal education and the publication of his texts on Decedents’ States and Trusts and the history of the University of Virginia School of Law: The One Hundred Years. Also, there are files related to his deanships at Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, and some memorabilia.

Dates: 1971 - 1988

The Papers of Judge Edward S. Smith

Identifier: MSS-01-3
Scope and Contents These papers document Smith’s service on the U.S. Court of Claims, his appointment to the court, court administration, articles and speeches, and the federal court re-organization of the late 1970s that concluded with the Federal Courts Improvement Act of 1979, and the creation of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The collection reflects the administrative process that took place "to restructure a portion of the intermediate appellate tier." Judge...
Dates: 1964-1997

The Papers of Judge Thomas C. Gordon, Jr

Identifier: MSS-04-1

This collection (1965-1991) contains correspondence, memoranda, notebooks, lectures on legal writing, memorabilia and eleven paintings.

Dates: 1965-1991

The Papers of Marion K. Kellogg

Identifier: MSS-97-2

Collection of correspondence, programs, photographs and newspaper clippings of the Uruguayan Seminar (1960) and the Bolivian Seminar (1961) taught at the University of Virginia School of Law.

Dates: 1960-1972

The Papers of Monrad G. Paulsen

Identifier: MSS-85-4

This collection (1940-1976) contains professional correspondence related to the Juvenile Court Project (1973) and juvenile courts; law and poverty; personal correspondence; some student papers and lecture notes.

Dates: 1940s-1976

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Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library 930
Arthur J. Morris Law Library Special Collections 263
The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry 135
Claude Moore Health Sciences Library 82
letters (correspondence) 80
commonplace books 72
Photographs 57
Women's Scrapbook/ Commonplace Book Collections (University of Virginia) 50
Scrapbooks 39
∨ more
University of Virginia 37
Black-and-white photographs 32
Ledgers (account books) 28
clippings (information artifacts) 28
Law -- Study and teaching 25
diaries 18
Poetry 17
United States History Civil War 1861-1865 16
Student life 15
manuscripts (documents) 15
Judges 14
Photograph albums 14
University of Virginia. School of Law 14
Friendship booklets 13
Virginia--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 13
Lawyers -- Virginia 12
Screenplays 12
University of Virginia. School of Law -- History 12
University of Virginia -- Alumni 11
University of Virginia -- History 11
Women students 11
newspapers 11
Memorabilia 10
Student organization 10
notebooks 10
women--education -- Virginia 10
African American families 9
African American students 9
African Americans 9
Authors and publishers 9
Enslaved persons 9
Practice of law -- Virginia 9
Tokyo Trial, Tokyo, Japan, 1946-1948 9
War crime trials -- Japan 9
correspondence 9
African Americans -- Virginia 8
African Americans -- Photographs 8
Slavery--United States--History--19th Century 8
University of Virginia. School of Law -- Alumni and alumnae 8
Women -- United States 8
World War, 1939-1945 8
African American fraternal organizations 7
Enslaved laborers 7
Slavery--United States -- Virginia 7
Student activism 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 7
University of Virginia -- Faculty 7
Women in higher education 7
authors 7
Autograph albums. 6
Civil rights -- Virginia 6
School notebooks 6
University of Virginia -- Library 6
University of Virginia Rotunda (Charlottesville, Va.) 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
magazines (periodicals) 6
African American women 5
African American young men 5
African Americans -- Civil rights 5
African Americans -- Education 5
Civil rights -- United States 5
Drawings (visual works) 5
Family papers 5
Lawyers 5
Poets 5
United States. Navy 5
University of Virginia -- Buildings -- Pictorial works 5
University of Virginia -- School of Medicine 5
University of Virginia Rotunda (Charlottesville, Va.) -- photographs 5
Wills 5
human hair 5
minutes (administrative records) 5
politics and government 5
Abolitionists 4
African American soldiers 4
American Literature--19th Century--History and Criticism 4
American Literature--20th Century--History and Criticism 4
Architecture -- Virginia -- Charlottesville. 4
Cabinet photographs 4
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 4
Charlottesville (Va.) -- History -- 19th century 4
Charlottesville (Va.) -- History -- 20th century 4
Color photographs 4
Enslavers 4
Friendship 4
Law schools -- United States 4
Love letters 4
Memorials 4
Newsletters 4
Real property -- Virginia 4
Segregation in education -- Law and legislation -- United States 4
Slides (photographs) 4
Tintypes (prints) 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans 4
+ ∧ less
French 7
Spanish; Castilian 7
German 5
Italian 2
Russian 2
∨ more  
University of Virginia. School of Law 21
Max Rambod 11
James Arsenault and Co. 9
International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) 8
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 5
∨ more
Langdon Manor Books 5
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1882-1945 4
Tojo, Hideki, 1884-1948 4
University of Virginia. School of Law. Law School Foundation 4
Barrett, Clifton Waller, 1901-1991 3
Dillard, Hardy Cross, 1902-1982 3
Hoshino, Naoki, 1883-1978 3
Howard, A. E. Dick 3
Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968 3
Lile, William Minor, 1859-1935 3
McCue, Edward O., III, 1923-2011 3
Randolph family 3
Togo, Shigenori, 1882-1950 3
United States. Department of Treasury. Internal Revenue Service 3
Virginia. Committee on Sexual Assault Reform 3
Alford, Neill, H., Jr., 1919-2007 2
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 2
American Bar Association 2
American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia 2
American Psychiatric Association 2
Araki, Sadao, 1877-1966 2
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 2
Bush, George, H. W., 1924-2018 2
Carter, James Earl, Jr. 2
Clark, Tom C., 1899-1977 2
Clinton, William Jefferson 2
Darden, Colgate W. (Colgate Whitehead), 1897-1981 2
Dobie, Armistead Mason, 1881-1962 2
Eager, George B., Jr., 1888-1942 2
Edgehill (Albemarle County, Va. : Estate) 2
Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 2
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965 2
Gregory, Charles O., 1902-1987 2
Grew, Joseph C., 1880-1965 2
Hampton Institute 2
Hashimoto, Kingoro, 1890-1957 2
Hata, Shunroku, 1879-1962 2
Hiranuma, Kiichiro, 1867-1952 2
Hirota, Koki, 1878-1948 2
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 2
International Court of Justice 2
Itagaki, Seishiro, 1885-1948 2
Karon, Jan (Janice), 1937- 2
Kaya, Okinori, 1889-1977 2
Keenan, Joseph B., 1888-1954 2
Kennedy, Edward M., 1932-2009 2
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 2
Kido, Koichi, 1889-1977 2
Kimura, Heitaro, 1888-1948 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 2
Kneedler, H. Lane 2
Koiso, Kuniaki, 1880-1950 2
Kurt A Sanftleben, LLC 2
Marshall, John, 1755-1835 2
Matsui, Iwane, 1878-1948 2
McClintock, Ernie 2
Merrill, Richard A., 1937-2017 2
Minami, Jiro, 1874-1955 2
Minor, John B., 1813-1895 2
Minor, Raleigh C., 1869-1923 2
Moore, John Bassett, 1860-1947 2
Moore, John Norton 2
Muto, Akira, 1892-1948 2
Oka, Takazumi, 1890-1973 2
Oshima, Hiroshi, 1886-1975 2
Paulsen, Monrad G., 1918-1980 2
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 2
Ribble, Frederick D. G., 1898-1970 2
Ritchie, John, III, 1904-1988 2
Sato, Kenryo, 1895-1975 2
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 1887-1957 2
Shimada, Shigetaro, 1883-1976 2
Shiratori, Toshio, 1887-1949 2
Sutton, David Nelson, 1895-1974 2
Suzuki, Teiichi, 1888-1989 2
Tavenner, Frank S., Jr., 1895-1964 2
Toussaint Louverture, 1743-1803 2
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1780-1848 2
Umezu, Yoshijiro, 1882-1949 2
United States. Court of Appeals (4th Circuit) 2
United States. Department of Justice 2
University of Virginia. Board of Visitors 2
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy 2
University of Virginia. Library 2
University of Virginia. Office of the President 2
Virginia. Commission on Mental Health Law 2
Virginia. Supreme Court 2
White, William Henry, 1881-1963 2
Williams, G. Carrington (George Carrington), 1921-2015 2
Wisner, Frank, 1909-1965 2
Woolsey, John M., 1877-1945 2
Young Men's Christian Association (Alexandria,VA) 2
A. H. Robins Company 1
A.B. Dick Company 1
Accomack County (Va.) 1
+ ∧ less