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Showing Collections: 1061 - 1080 of 1408

Clifford Smith correspondence about cockfighting

Identifier: MSS 15732
Scope and Contents

This collection of Clifford Smith correspondence about cockfighting in Boston, Massachusetts from 1936 to 1956 is about 235 items, 19 folders, one half-size legal document box, totaling .04 cubic feet. Also included is cockfighting weights and scores.

Dates: 1936-1956

E.W. Smith photograph album

 Item — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MSS 16020
Scope and Contents Note

The E.W. Smith photograph album (1917-1921; 0.2 cubic foot) documents Smith's service in Battery A of the United States Army's 148th Field Artillery at the end of World War I. The bulk of the photographs document Smith's travels in Germany in 1918 and 1919, with other subjects ranging from training at Camp Mills, New Jersey and Camp Merritt, New York to postwar family vacations.

Dates: 1917 - 1921

Howard W. Smith Papers

Identifier: MSS 8731
Scope and Contents This collection consists of the files and working papers of Howard Worth Smith who represented Virginia in Congress for some thirty-five years as representative from the Eighth Congressional District. Included are correspondence received and carbon copies of replies, clippings, printed government and other publications, copies of printed bills, reports, press releases, speeches, notes, memoranda, financial records, tape and disc...
Dates: 1933 - 1966

SOCA records for the outreach program to Garrett Square 1996-1999

Identifier: MSS 15919
Scope and Contents The collection of SOCA records for the outreach program to Garrett Square from 1996 to 1999, 0.15 cubic feet containing details for the program to help children living at Garrett Square, which is a public housing complex located in downtown Charlottesville. Included are a grant proposal to Charlottesville City Council, soccer teams, player rosters, certificates, soccer tips, invitations to events, photographs, newspaper clippings (copies), negatives, and slides of the children playing...
Dates: 1996-1999

Somerville family papers

Identifier: MSS 16201
Scope and Contents The Somerville family papers (1821-2013) consists of correspondence, photographs, printed materials, and extensive genealogical files. The papers and research detailing the history of the Somerville family, mainly in America, range from its colonial background to contemporary times. The extensive genealogical research is comprised of notes and charts, along with correspondence, photographs, military records, personal notes, clippings, and printed materials. The collection also includes...
Dates: 1821 - 2013

Sons of Staunton African American Fraternal Lodge minutes book

 Collection — Box: BW 30, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSS 16522
Content Description Manuscript minutes book of the Sons of Staunton African American Fraternal Lodge in Staunton, Virginia. Containing 154 pages of manuscript in pencil, dated 1914-1919. The Sons of Staunton Lodge no.1833 Grand United Order of Odd Fellow, an African American masonic lodge based in Staunton, Virginia. Each entry lists the officers present, the amount of dues paid, and any other business attended to during the meetings. Also included is a 1927 letter on letterhead of the King Harem Lodge, a...
Dates: 1914-1919; 1927; 1948; 1948; 1927

Southern District Grand Tent No.1 (membership certificate for Eliza Braxton)

 Collection — Box: BW 49, Folder: 1
Identifier: MSS 16739
Content Description Once named for abolitionists J. R. Giddings and Jolifee Union, the Southern District Grand Tent No. 1 is a secret organization to help African American Christian women. It was created by former enslaved women, Annette Lane and Harriet Taylor. The collection contains a membership certificate for Eliza Braxton. It certifies that Braxton was part of the Iola Tent No.74 of Richmond, Virginia. The United Order of Tents was formed in 1867 in Richmond. The society provided aid to the African...
Dates: 1911

Southern Philatelic Association Banquet menu

 Collection — Box: BW 15, Folder: 1 [X031589472]
Identifier: MSS 16344
Scope and Contents

Southern Philatelic Association Banquet menu, 0.03 cubic feet, 1899, Richmond, Virginia.

Dates: 1899

Southern pre-Civil War poetry album

 Collection — Box: BW 51, Box: 1
Identifier: MSS 16738
Content Description This collection consists of thirty-four leaves of a poetry album from Richmond, Virginia. Four poems are those of John Esten Cook (1830-1886), an American poet, novelist, and Confederate soldier, lawyer, and biographer of Jefferson, Stonewall Jackson, and Robert E. Lee. The other thirty pages consist of poems written by a variety of other authors noted by initials or their names. Many of the poems are to a woman named Edmonia or "Monie." These pages appear to be extracted from an album...
Dates: C. 1850-1860

Southern Student Organizing Committee records

Identifier: MSS 11192
Scope and Contents The Southern Student Organizing Committee records include correspondence regarding the founding of the organization and its constitution and bylaws, correspondence, and memos and reports pertaining to the organization’s 1969 dissolution. The records also include publications from the SSOC and its members (such as Thomas Gardner and Steve Wise), including newsletters, brochures, project reports, and journal publications regarding a variety of topics, but particularly around civil rights...
Dates: 1948-1994

Special Collections Shelf Lists and Reference Card Files

 Record Group
Identifier: RG 12/11/22
Content Description

This collection includes vault shelflist cards, cards for archives and manuscript books, an audiovisual card file, the manuscript shelflist, National Union Catalog for Manuscript Collection cards, the archives shelflist, a microfilm card file, and a donor and dealer card file.

Dates: circa 1936-2000

Special Committee on Clinical Education records

Identifier: RG-32-310-88
Scope and Contents

Memorandum and interim report.

Dates: 1981 - 1982

Spectators at a University of Virginia football game, photograph

 Collection — Box: BW 13, Folder: 1 [X031589417]
Identifier: MSS 16060

James Madison Spiller letter

 Collection — Box: BW 11, Folder: 1 [X031589369]
Identifier: MSS 16275
Scope and Contents

James Madison Spiller letter to Dr. I. L. Twyman, 1853, 0.03 cubic feet,consists of a signed letter on a single sheet of blue paper, hand written in ink in regard to the negotiation of a sale of two Negro "family girls." The girls were being sold by Dr. Twyman and S[piller was helping to facilitate the sale to Seth Woodruff. Current market price for a girl are mentioned, as well as the effects of war in Europe on other market prices.

Dates: 1853

Cleo Sprouse photograph

 Collection — Box: BW 3, Folder: 1 [X031589224]
Identifier: MSS 16050

Ephraim George Squier letters to Charles Eliot Norton

 Collection — Box: BW 28, Folder: 1 [X032669069]
Identifier: MSS 16503
Content Description This collection contains two letters from Ephraim George Squier to Charles Eliot Norton discussing his book "Waikna; or, "Adventures on the Mosquito Shore" as well as other works in progress. These two letters were removed from the printed book, which has been cataloged separately.The first letter, dated Apirl 26, 1855, Squier describes how many pages that he has written of "foolscap" and how many pages of proof that he has to read before his passage to Europe. He mentions his...
Dates: April 26 and May 16,1855

St. Vincent's Hospital School of Nursing Collection

Identifier: 2022-015

Combined donation of Patricia M. Quill (b. ca. 1935) and Pamela J. Brink concerning the St. Vincent's Hospital SON, where Quill was a student in the 1950s and later involved in alumnae activities. The collection includes a procedure manual, 1953; photographs; School of Nursing alumni directory, 1999; and historical pamphlets.

Dates: 1953-2018

Stanley Methodist Church subscription

 Collection — Box: BW 9, Folder: 1 [X031589323]
Identifier: MSS 16224
Scope and Contents

Stanley Methodist Church subscription, dated 1915, consists of 0.03 cubic feet, and is a sheet with ruled lines and columns containing signatures and correlating dollar amounts to to pay the treasurer, D. M. Hodesett for the purpose of erecting a brick church building in the town of Stanley, Virginia.

Dates: 1915

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  • Language: English X

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Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library 928
Arthur J. Morris Law Library Special Collections 263
The Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry 135
Claude Moore Health Sciences Library 82
letters (correspondence) 80
commonplace books 72
Photographs 57
Women's Scrapbook/ Commonplace Book Collections (University of Virginia) 50
Scrapbooks 39
∨ more
University of Virginia 36
Black-and-white photographs 32
Ledgers (account books) 28
clippings (information artifacts) 28
Law -- Study and teaching 25
diaries 18
Poetry 17
United States History Civil War 1861-1865 16
Student life 15
manuscripts (documents) 15
Judges 14
Photograph albums 14
University of Virginia. School of Law 14
Friendship booklets 13
Virginia--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 13
Lawyers -- Virginia 12
Screenplays 12
University of Virginia. School of Law -- History 12
University of Virginia -- Alumni 11
University of Virginia -- History 11
Women students 11
newspapers 11
Memorabilia 10
Student organization 10
notebooks 10
women--education -- Virginia 10
African American families 9
African American students 9
African Americans 9
Authors and publishers 9
Enslaved persons 9
Practice of law -- Virginia 9
Tokyo Trial, Tokyo, Japan, 1946-1948 9
War crime trials -- Japan 9
correspondence 9
African Americans -- Virginia 8
African Americans -- Photographs 8
Slavery--United States--History--19th Century 8
University of Virginia. School of Law -- Alumni and alumnae 8
Women -- United States 8
World War, 1939-1945 8
African American fraternal organizations 7
Enslaved laborers 7
Slavery--United States -- Virginia 7
Student activism 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Correspondence 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 7
University of Virginia -- Faculty 7
Women in higher education 7
authors 7
Autograph albums. 6
Civil rights -- Virginia 6
School notebooks 6
University of Virginia -- Library 6
University of Virginia Rotunda (Charlottesville, Va.) 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
magazines (periodicals) 6
African American women 5
African American young men 5
African Americans -- Civil rights 5
African Americans -- Education 5
Civil rights -- United States 5
Drawings (visual works) 5
Family papers 5
Lawyers 5
Poets 5
United States. Navy 5
University of Virginia -- Buildings -- Pictorial works 5
University of Virginia -- School of Medicine 5
University of Virginia Rotunda (Charlottesville, Va.) -- photographs 5
Wills 5
human hair 5
minutes (administrative records) 5
politics and government 5
Abolitionists 4
African American soldiers 4
American Literature--19th Century--History and Criticism 4
American Literature--20th Century--History and Criticism 4
Architecture -- Virginia -- Charlottesville. 4
Cabinet photographs 4
Cartes-de-visite (card photographs) 4
Charlottesville (Va.) -- History -- 19th century 4
Charlottesville (Va.) -- History -- 20th century 4
Color photographs 4
Enslavers 4
Friendship 4
Law schools -- United States 4
Love letters 4
Memorials 4
Newsletters 4
Real property -- Virginia 4
Segregation in education -- Law and legislation -- United States 4
Slides (photographs) 4
Tintypes (prints) 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans 4
+ ∧ less
French 7
Spanish; Castilian 7
German 5
Italian 2
Russian 2
∨ more  
University of Virginia. School of Law 21
Max Rambod 11
James Arsenault and Co. 9
International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) 8
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 5
∨ more
Langdon Manor Books 5
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1882-1945 4
Tojo, Hideki, 1884-1948 4
University of Virginia. School of Law. Law School Foundation 4
Barrett, Clifton Waller, 1901-1991 3
Dillard, Hardy Cross, 1902-1982 3
Hoshino, Naoki, 1883-1978 3
Howard, A. E. Dick 3
Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968 3
Lile, William Minor, 1859-1935 3
McCue, Edward O., III, 1923-2011 3
Randolph family 3
Togo, Shigenori, 1882-1950 3
United States. Department of Treasury. Internal Revenue Service 3
Virginia. Committee on Sexual Assault Reform 3
Alford, Neill, H., Jr., 1919-2007 2
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 2
American Bar Association 2
American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia 2
American Psychiatric Association 2
Araki, Sadao, 1877-1966 2
Bond, Julian, 1940-2015 2
Bush, George, H. W., 1924-2018 2
Carter, James Earl, Jr. 2
Clark, Tom C., 1899-1977 2
Clinton, William Jefferson 2
Darden, Colgate W. (Colgate Whitehead), 1897-1981 2
Dobie, Armistead Mason, 1881-1962 2
Eager, George B., Jr., 1888-1942 2
Edgehill (Albemarle County, Va. : Estate) 2
Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 2
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882-1965 2
Gregory, Charles O., 1902-1987 2
Grew, Joseph C., 1880-1965 2
Hampton Institute 2
Hashimoto, Kingoro, 1890-1957 2
Hata, Shunroku, 1879-1962 2
Hiranuma, Kiichiro, 1867-1952 2
Hirota, Koki, 1878-1948 2
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 2
International Court of Justice 2
Itagaki, Seishiro, 1885-1948 2
Karon, Jan (Janice), 1937- 2
Kaya, Okinori, 1889-1977 2
Keenan, Joseph B., 1888-1954 2
Kennedy, Edward M., 1932-2009 2
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 2
Kido, Koichi, 1889-1977 2
Kimura, Heitaro, 1888-1948 2
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 2
Kneedler, H. Lane 2
Koiso, Kuniaki, 1880-1950 2
Kurt A Sanftleben, LLC 2
Marshall, John, 1755-1835 2
Matsui, Iwane, 1878-1948 2
McClintock, Ernie 2
Merrill, Richard A., 1937-2017 2
Minami, Jiro, 1874-1955 2
Minor, John B., 1813-1895 2
Minor, Raleigh C., 1869-1923 2
Moore, John Bassett, 1860-1947 2
Moore, John Norton 2
Muto, Akira, 1892-1948 2
Oka, Takazumi, 1890-1973 2
Oshima, Hiroshi, 1886-1975 2
Paulsen, Monrad G., 1918-1980 2
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 2
Ribble, Frederick D. G., 1898-1970 2
Ritchie, John, III, 1904-1988 2
Sato, Kenryo, 1895-1975 2
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 1887-1957 2
Shimada, Shigetaro, 1883-1976 2
Shiratori, Toshio, 1887-1949 2
Sutton, David Nelson, 1895-1974 2
Suzuki, Teiichi, 1888-1989 2
Tavenner, Frank S., Jr., 1895-1964 2
Toussaint Louverture, 1743-1803 2
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1780-1848 2
Umezu, Yoshijiro, 1882-1949 2
United States. Court of Appeals (4th Circuit) 2
United States. Department of Justice 2
University of Virginia. Board of Visitors 2
University of Virginia. Center for Oceans Law and Policy 2
University of Virginia. Library 2
University of Virginia. Office of the President 2
Virginia. Commission on Mental Health Law 2
Virginia. Supreme Court 2
White, William Henry, 1881-1963 2
Williams, G. Carrington (George Carrington), 1921-2015 2
Wisner, Frank, 1909-1965 2
Woolsey, John M., 1877-1945 2
Young Men's Christian Association (Alexandria,VA) 2
A. H. Robins Company 1
A.B. Dick Company 1
Accomack County (Va.) 1
+ ∧ less