Showing Collections: 321 - 340 of 1408
Nicholas Gouin Dufief letter
This collection contains a letter from Dufief about discounts for his 4th edition of "Nature Displayed in Her Mode of Teaching Language to Man" to the bookselling firm Beers & Howe in New Haven, Connecticut. This letter was written to find subscriptions for a new printing, and a fourth edition was published in 1820.It is folded for mailing with the address and return address on verso.
Alice M. Dunlap friendship album
Alice M. Dunlap friendship album, 1840's, 0.03 cubic feet, with sentiments, poems, and engravings from friends and relatives
Emma R. Dunlap landscape album
Emma R. Dunlap landscape album, [1860], 0.03 cubic feet, Pennsylvania, in original brown boards, highly embossed, with gilt title within round decorative border, and signed by several friends and relatives.
Dunn Family papers
Dunsmore Business College students photograph
E. Randolph invitation
This collection contains an invitation to E. Randolph asking him to join Bramham and Wolfe at their rooms "tomorrow evening at 1/2 past 6 o'clock P.M."
Charles I. Eaton papers--addition 1
One carte de visite photograph of Union soldier Charles I. Eaton in uniform. This collection is an addition to MSS 12204 Journals of Charles I. Eaton. See external documentations below for a link to that collection.
Edison mimeograph machine
This collection contains one Edison Mimeograph machine made by A.B. Dick Company, Chicago. The machine is in its original wooden box and includes directions for use. It is an early issue that includes the printing frame, writing plate slate, tube of ink, linen rag and roller.
William Edmond letter about Congressional balloting in 1800 campaign
Eduardo Montes-Bradley Photograph and Film Collection
Edward Henderson Deets Jr. University of Virginia Memorabilia
Student and alumni memorabilia related to the University of Virginia School of Law.
Edward O. McCue Records Pertaining to Westmoreland v. CBS and Other Miscellaneous Files
Photocopies relating to the case of Westmoreland v. CBS and memorabilia.
Edward Watson Hook, Jr. papers
Tommy Edwards photograph
This collection of a Tommy Edwards MGM photograph is 0.03 cubic feet and is a promotional photograph from Richmond, Virginia.
Edythe Goldstein Pallin Papers
World War Two Army Nurse. Scrapbook materials including extensive photograph collection from 1943–1945, including stateside training and service in the Pacific theater, Japan. Digital media contains 2004 audiotape interview.
Eleanor Crowder Bjoring Papers
American Association of the History of Nursing newsletters by Bjoring as organizantion president, biographical items, keepsakes. Includes original British edition of Florence Nightingale's "Notes on Nursing," 1860.
Elizabeth Brown Mulholland Gamble papers
Elizabeth Glover school annual
This collection contains "The Star" 1924 yearbook for ‘Grade 7B,’ handwritten by Buckingham County teacher, Mary Elizabeth Glover. Each page has a student's name and quotes and comments about them. Many pages include a small photograph of the child named.
Elizabeth Marie Bear Papers
(b. 1933) Maternal Child Nursing professor, Certified Nurse Midwife program. Materials from throughout her academic career at the University of New Mexico, University of Kentucky, and Medical University of South Carolina Schools of Nursing; especially items concerning social anthropologist Martha Beth Hicks. Frontier Nursing Service and Penn Center of Saint Helena Island, South Carolina are represented.