Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
William Berkeley land deed to William and Thomas Wroughton
This collection contains a land deed dated March 2, 1662, signed by William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia, granting 440 acres of land to William and Thomas Wroughton. A clerk's endorsement notes that the document was deposited on July 22, 1665; countersigned on verso with red wax seals and dated January 16, 1677 by William Wroughton (1632-1707), Thomas Wroughton (1657-1726) and others.
Dr. Edwin A. Hering real estate ledger
The Law Office Papers of William F. Long and R. Watson Sadler
Legal, civil case files (1913-1967), primarily trusts and estates, real estate, insurance, torts, and divorce that document the work of a small local law firm.
The University of Virginia Jefferson Papers
This collection consisists of letters written by and addressed to Thomas Jefferson, as well as architectural plans and studies that were created or endorsed by Jefferson, created by other individuals associated with him, deeds, plats, and maps, some of which pertain to the subjects of the architectural studies, and other miscelleneous materials.