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Showing Collections: 1 - 6 of 6

Department of Justice Statements of the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General (1943-1951)

Identifier: MSS-82-2

Collection of statements, speeches and press releases from officials of the United States Department of Justice, 1942 - 1951.

Dates: 1942-1951

Inventory of the Papers of Roy L. Morgan

Identifier: MSS-93-4

Personal Papers of Richard J. DeMartino as History Consultant to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East

Identifier: MSS-2017-02

Interesting historical chronology related to the IMTFE. Includes many Japanese documents and photographs.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1936 - 1948

Western Army Atrocities and Murder of Eight POWs in Medical Experiments at Kyushu Imperial University

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MSS-2024-0006
Content Description

This document reports the results of an investigation into Japan's use of U.S. prisoners of war in medical experiments at Kyushu Imperial University during World War II. Robert N. Tait submitted it to the Legal Section of office of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers on September 30, 1947.

Dates: 1947-09-30

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Library: Arthur J. Morris Law Library Special Collections X
  • Subject: World War, 1939-1945 X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Tokyo Trial, Tokyo, Japan, 1946-1948 4
War crime trials -- Japan 4
World War, 1939-1945 3
clippings (information artifacts) 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese 2
∨ more  
International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) 4
Hoshino, Naoki, 1883-1978 3
Togo, Shigenori, 1882-1950 3
Tojo, Hideki, 1884-1948 3
Araki, Sadao, 1877-1966 2
∨ more
Grew, Joseph C., 1880-1965 2
Hashimoto, Kingoro, 1890-1957 2
Hata, Shunroku, 1879-1962 2
Hiranuma, Kiichiro, 1867-1952 2
Hirota, Koki, 1878-1948 2
Itagaki, Seishiro, 1885-1948 2
Kaya, Okinori, 1889-1977 2
Keenan, Joseph B., 1888-1954 2
Kido, Koichi, 1889-1977 2
Kimura, Heitaro, 1888-1948 2
Koiso, Kuniaki, 1880-1950 2
Matsui, Iwane, 1878-1948 2
Minami, Jiro, 1874-1955 2
Muto, Akira, 1892-1948 2
Oka, Takazumi, 1890-1973 2
Oshima, Hiroshi, 1886-1975 2
Sato, Kenryo, 1895-1975 2
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 1887-1957 2
Shimada, Shigetaro, 1883-1976 2
Shiratori, Toshio, 1887-1949 2
Suzuki, Teiichi, 1888-1989 2
Umezu, Yoshijiro, 1882-1949 2
Asahi Shimbun 1
Bagge, Widar, 1886-1970 1
Ballantine, Joseph W., 1888-1973 1
Berge, Wendell, 1903-1955 1
Bergson, Herbert A., 1909-1977 1
Biddle, Francis, 1886-1968 1
Ching-wei, Wang, 1883-1944 1
Churchill, Winston S., 1874-1965 1
Clark, Tom C., 1899-1977 1
Cumming, William P., 1900-1989 1
Davis, Norman H., 1878-1944 1
DeMartino, Richard J., 1922-2013 1
Dooman, Eugene H., 1890-1969 1
Goering, Hermann Wilhelm, 1893-1946 1
Gorgé, Camille, 1893-1978 1
Hatoyama, Ichiro, 1883-1959 1
Higashikuni, Naruhiko, 1887-1990 1
Hirohito, Michinomiya, 1901-1989 1
Hoover, J. Edgar, 1895-1972 1
Hull, Cordell, 1871-1955 1
Ishihara, Kanji, 1889-1949 1
Ishii, Shiro, 1882-1959 1
Ishiwata, Sotaro, 1891-1950 1
Iwabuchi, Tatsuo, 1892-1975 1
Kato, Sotomatsu, 1890-1942 1
Konoe, Fumimaro, 1891-1945 1
Kurusu, Saburo, 1886-1954 1
Mainichi Shimbun 1
Matsumoto, Shunichi, 1897-1987 1
Matsuoka, Yosuke, 1880-1946 1
McGrath, J. Howard, 1903-1966 1
Morgan, Roy L., 1908-1985 1
Nagano, Osami, 1880-1947 1
Nomura, Kichisaburo, 1877-1964 1
Nomura, Naokuni, 1885-1973 1
Okada, Keisuke, 1868-1952 1
Osaka Mainichi 1
Perlman, Philip B., 1890-1960 1
Puyi, Aisin, 1906-1967 1
Ribbentrop, Joachim, 1893-1946 1
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1882-1945 1
Sawada, Shigeru, 1887-1980 1
Shallert, Paul O., 1880-1970 1
Sorge, Richard, 1895-1944 1
Sutton, David Nelson, 1895-1974 1
Tanaka, Ryukichi, 1893-1972 1
Tanaka, Shinichi, 1893-1976 1
Tani, Masayuki, 1889-1962 1
Tavenner, Frank S., Jr., 1895-1964 1
Terasaki, Hidenari (Taro), 1890-1951 1
The Greenbrier. Mission (White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.) 1
The Homestead. Mission (Hot Springs, Va.) 1
The Japan Times 1
The Nippon Times 1
The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun 1
Tomita, Kenji, 1897-1977 1
Toyoda, Teijiro, 1885-1971 1
Welles, Sumner, 1892-1961 1
Williams, G. Carrington (George Carrington), 1921-2015 1
Yamamoto, Isoroku, 1884-1943 1
Yamamoto, Kumaichi 1
Yoshida, Shigeru, 1878-1967 1
Yoshizawa, Kenkichi, 1874-1965 1
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