Showing Collections: 821 - 840 of 928
University of Virginia Student Organizations/ Z Society
[University of Virginia students] photographs
[University of Virginia] students photographs, 1860-1870's, consists of 0.03 cubic feet, two possible students at the University, are individual pictures photographed by William Roads, who flourished during this time period.
Univeristy of Virginia Women's Club records
Includes meeting minutes, printed emails, photos, letters, invitations, newspaper clippings, payment records, philanthropic works, event flyers, etc. relating to over three and a half decades (1979-2016) of the Women’s Club’s proceedings and events. The fourth 2015-2016 folder includes details about sexual assault and sexual assualt prevention within the University.
U.S. Air Force Pilot's Training Guide in World War I
U.S. Office of Commissary General of Prisoners circular
This collection contains a circular manuscript, single sheet - two pages, signed by John Mason, Commissioner General of Prisoners during the War of 1812, regarding returned American prisoners of war. The circular is written to to Joseph Whipple Esqr., Collector of the Customs, at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Written from Washington D.C. on May 27, 1813.
U.S. soldier Vietnam War photographs
U.S.S. Virginia frigate first day covers
Two first day covers commemorating the launching of the U.S.S. Virginia, DLGN-38, on December 14, 1974 at Newport News, Va. The ship was built by Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. With the covers are two printed cards: one with an image of the ship (recto) and specifications (verso), and one printed with "Admiral Rickover has requested that this cachet be sent to you."
U.S.S. Virginia submarine first day covers
Two first day covers commemorating the christening and commissioning of the U.S.S. Virginia, SSN-774, the lead ship in the Virginia Class of submarines.
UVA Administrative photographs of final exercises, dedications, Founders Day, Olympic torch lighting, and other events
This transfer primarily includes photographs spanning from 1995 to 1999 of events at the University. Photograph subjects include Final Exercises, Reunion Weekends, a 1996 Olympic Torch Lighting ceremony, Founder's Day celebrations, Cauthen and Bice House dedications, and special events involving President John T. Casteen. Casteen served as President of the University of Virginia from 1990 to 2010. He is seen in many photographs in this collection.
Vanna Bonta papers 1945-2013
This collection of Vanna Bonta's papers consists of about one hundred items, one half-size document box, and .25 cubic feet, and contains articles about and by Vanna Bonta, certificates, letters from Pearl S. Buck, the Queen of Thailand, Barbara Bush, George W. H. Bush, Gerald Ford, Phyllis Diller, and George Burns. There are also programs, book signing advertisements,cartoons, illustrations, writings, and a DVD "What Goes Up".
Charles Scott Venable photograph
Charles Scott Venable photograph, [1875], carte-de-visite with photographers name and address on verso: A. F. Smith's Photographic Temple of Art, South side Main Street, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Vera Lee and Berry Clanton papers
Paul and Andre Vera, Jardin d'Amour plans
Three characteristic ground plans of an Art Déco "Love Garden," with symmetrically arranged flower and topiary beds. Mixed media of watercolor and gouache over pencil and black ink on glassine and wove paper. (1910) A densely planted border of trees surrounds the garden on three sides. The entrance is located at the bottom edge of the drawing and leads towards a mansion in the center.
Versailles Union newspaper
Handwritten amateur newspaper containing fourteen pages of text bound at the top, written on lined paper created in Versailles, Ohio. Several boys signed their names to the articles, including two members of the Schman family. The first two articles are on western trips -- one to the Indiana/Ohio border and the other to Iowa. Also included are poetry and editorials.
Robert L. Vickery papers
Daniel Rutledge Vining correspondence
This collection consists of several letters to Daniel Rutledge Vining, an economics professor at the University of Virginia. The letters are primarily personal correspondences to colleagues and friends. Included is correspondence with Hardy Dillard regarding Dillard's farewell dinner. There is also a letter to Mrs Margaret Vining and a letter to Rutledge Vining from Fred Vining (about items for purchase-watch, candelabra, binoculars).
Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company receipts
This collection contains thirty-two freight receipts for agricultural goods shipped by John Dickinson from Liberty Depot, Virginia.
Virginia Department of Education film strips and slides: of John White drawings of Algonquins in Roanoke, Virginia and the Jamestown Colony
Film strips and slides of John White's drawings of "Algonquins in Roanoke, Virginia and the Jamestown Colony.
Virginia enslaver documents
This collection of Elisha Roberts and other enslavers holders documents (1822-1860; 0.03 cubic feet) consists of inventories, bill of sales, and appraisal lists of household items including enslaved people of Elisha Roberts, Gotlif Schmidt, James Broddus, Robert Allen Givens, John Cornelison, Jr., Francis Carter, Archibal Brooks, Henry Carpenter, Lewis Campbell, John Bentley, and Talton Taylor.