Box 34
Contains 42 Results:
Soldier's individual pay record for Frank Lowther, 1943 April 30
"Going back to Civilian Life" by the War and Navy Departments, 1945 August
Basic Field Manual: Soldier's Handbook, 1941 July 23
contains chapters on general information; military discipline and courtesy; insignia; organization; clothing; arms and equipment; school of the soldier with and without arms; squad and platoon drill; interior guard duty; marches, camps, and bivouacs; use of compasses and maps; security and protection; military sanitation and first aid; the ration; pay and allowances; and the last will and testament
"Rigoletta" by the San Carlo Opera Company, ND
Arm band with flag, 1944
This arm band was used by U. S. Air Borne Paratroopers
V-Mail (Victory-mail) letter sheets, ND
Letters written on these specially designed letter sheets were microfilmed. The microfilmed copies were sent instead of the letters and then "blown up" at an overseas destination before being delivered to military personnel, thereby saving valuable cargo space.
Note good for one hour of condolence from Chaplain William H. Laird, ND
V mail sent to Frank Lowther, March 9, 1944 July 14, 1944 August 24
These are facsimiles of the reduced-in-size V mail letter sheets.
"The Stars and Stripes - Mediterranean" Vol. 2, No. 69, 1945 August 30
Allied Military currency issue in Italy, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 50 lire, 1943
Certificate of Identity for Frank L. Lowther, 1945 May 11
War Department identification cards for Frank Lowther, 1942 September 19, 1943 June 19
Cards include fingerprints and photo.
Fifth Army Rest Camp meal ticket and pass, 1945 March 2
Troop Assignment Card, ND
This card was used as a meal ticket throughout the soldier's voyage.
New Testament given to Frank L. Lowther, 1941 January 25
Immunization register for Frank L. Lowther, 1945 February 18
Dogtags for Frank L. Lowther, ND
Letter from Alice Huffman Bugel to Joan Klein, 2006 September 22
Statue, ND
Hospital plans, ND
Includes a list of special equipment for medical and surgical wards, plan for bed ward, and a guide to the hospital plan.