Box 29
Contains 69 Results:
Selective Service System registration certificate for John L. Guerrant, 1951 January 15
Certificate of Identity for John L. Guerrant, 1945 May 3
Fifth Army Association card for John L. Guerrant, 1944 December 15
Temporary appointment for John Guerrant from the War Department, 1942 March 17
Letter from Tony Sampas to John Guerrant with enclosures, 1996 December 21
The letter is in regard to Sampas's uncle, Sampatis Sampatacacus, a member of the 8th Evac. He encloses two papers about his uncle and his uncle's poetry. Last known address for Tony Sampas: 51 West St., Pepperell, MA 01463
Letter from Tony Sampas to John L. Guerrant, 1997 February 4
Military Record and Report of Separation certificate of Service for John Guerrant; also Fifth Army Commendation, 1946 February 11
Special Orders No. 219 from the War Department, 1942 August 15
Report of Physical Examination and Immunization Register for John Guerrant, 1942 April 13 - 1945 October
Record of Professional Assignments for John L. Guerrant, 1942-45
Military financial papers for John Guerrant, 1945 October - 1946 January
Papers related to orders for John Guerrant and others, 1942 June 19 - 1945 October 28
John Guerrant's correspondence regarding the return of the Italian flag taken from the Italian Consulate in Casablanca during WWII, 1996
8th Evac Hospital Addresses - 1995, 1995
1985 reunion notice and registration, 1985
1990 reunion registration, notices, expenses, and predicted attendees, 1990
1990 8th Evac Hospital addresses, 1990
1995 reunion notice, registration, expected attendees, and expenses, 1995
Christmas newsletter, [post 1948]
contains updates of former 8th Evac officers and nurses