Box 14
Contains 43 Results:
Dempsey and Mallahan outside tent at Anfa Hill, Casablanca, 1943
Six unidentified enlisted men, ND
Roy Waller peering out of tent in long johns, ND
Unidentified man standing next to Dempsey who is on the right, ND
Clare Booth Luce visits a wounded patient at Pietramala, Italy, 1944 December 17
Left to right: Blackford, unidentified man, Irving Berlin and Holmboe, ND
Boxer Joe Lewis visits the 8th Evac, Drash is second from left, ND
Operating room in use, 1944
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Neg. No. 5-44-100394
Blood bank refrigerator, 1944
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Neg. No. 5-44-589
Ward tents at Capua, Italy, ND
Prefabricated building used as a ward at the 8th Evac, Pietramala, Italy, 1945 January 13
One end of the building sets several feet off the ground on stilts and is anchored to the ground by steel cables. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Neg. No. 5/MM-45-772
Angie Brusatto at Central Surgical Supply table, 1944
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Neg. No. C--44-556
Clare Booth Luce visits a wounded soldier, Fred L. Heuson at the 8th Evac, Pietramala, Italy, 1945 March 21
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 5/MM-45-4982
Headquarters Group, Tucker standing far right, rest unidentified, ND
Staige Blackford, ND
Anfa Hotel, Casablanca, Morocco, ND
North African woman, ND
Distinguished visitors: Stimson second from far right, Clark is far right, ND
Serving mess in ward tent, ND
This photo shows the center portion of a standard ward.