Box 48
Contains 40 Results:
Drafts and notes for'X' Marks the Spot, a speech given by Philip Showalter Hench at the New Fellows Banquet at the Mayo Foundation House, January 20, 1955
Drafts ofThe Conquest of Yellow Fever--An Illustrated Talk, by Philip Showalter Hench, January 31, 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, January 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, February 1955
Letter from Jeanne Deinum to Philip Showalter Hench with enclosed speech,Sleuths in Medicine, March 8, 1955
Yellow Fever Control, by Fred Soper, March 30, 1955
This report details yellow fever outbreaks throughout the world up until 1954. A distinction is made between “Human Yellow Fever” and “Jungle Yellow Fever.”
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, March 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, April 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, May 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, June 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, July 1955
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, August 1955
Drafts ofThe Conquest of Yellow Fever, a talk Philip Showalter Hench gave at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 22, 1955
Draft ofBrief History of Yellow Fever up to 1905
fromCentenary of the Graduation of Dr. Carlos J. Finlay in Jefferson Medical College, September 22, 1955-September 23, 1955
Nogueira outlines the history of yellow fever and the many resultant casualties. He then describes the work of Finlay and the Yellow Fever Commission. He is critical of Sternberg's initial dismissal of the mosquito as the source of yellow fever.