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Box 44


Contains 192 Results:

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Blossom [Emilie M.] Reed, August 6, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 27
Identifier: 04427001
Scope and Contents From the Series: Series IV. Philip Showalter Hench primarily consists of materials that Hench created or collected while researching the U.S. Army Yellow Fever Commission. Items in this series date from around 1850 to around 1865 with the bulk of the items dating from 1937 to 1960. Researchers who are studying the yellow fever experiments will be particularly interested in the materials (e.g. interviews, autobiographies) that document first-hand accounts of the events surrounding the experiments. Other...
Dates: August 6, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Lawrence [Walter L.] Reed,  August 11, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 27
Identifier: 04427002
Scope and Contents

Hench doubts that the dedication of Camp Lazear will take place in September 1952. He does not think that the Cuban government will be able to pay travel expenses for the attendees, and suggests ways that the U.S. Army or government might pay for the Reeds and Truby to attend. Hench thinks it would be appropriate for the United States to have an official representative at the dedication, and suggests that Love approach the Surgeon General about this.

Dates:  August 11, 1952

Letter from Blossom [Emilie M.] Reed to Philip Showalter Hench, August 4, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 27
Identifier: 04427003
Scope and Contents From the Series: Series IV. Philip Showalter Hench primarily consists of materials that Hench created or collected while researching the U.S. Army Yellow Fever Commission. Items in this series date from around 1850 to around 1865 with the bulk of the items dating from 1937 to 1960. Researchers who are studying the yellow fever experiments will be particularly interested in the materials (e.g. interviews, autobiographies) that document first-hand accounts of the events surrounding the experiments. Other...
Dates: August 4, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to George C. Hench,  August 6, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 28
Identifier: 04428001
Scope and Contents

Hench is sorry to hear of the death of Gen. Ireland. He won't be able to attend the Hench family reunion. Hench inquires if George Carroll is still alive.

Dates:  August 6, 1952

Letter from Albert E. Truby to Paul L. Tate,  August 19, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 28
Identifier: 04428018
Scope and Contents

Truby reports on his health and comments on attempts to have Ames included as a member of the Reed yellow fever board, which Truby insists is not historically accurate. He notes that Hench is still working for the preservation of Building No. 1 at Camp Lazear.

Dates:  August 19, 1952

Letter from Blossom [Emilie M.] Reed to Philip Showalter Hench,  November 14, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 32
Identifier: 04432001
Scope and Contents

Blossom Reed thanks Hench for the photograph and clipping. She sends him rough copies of her invitation from the Cuban government to attend the Lazear Memorial, and of her reply declining to attend.

Dates:  November 14, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Blossom [Emilie M.] Reed,  November 20, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 32
Identifier: 04432008
Scope and Contents

Hench is delighted with Blossom Reed's diplomatic reply to the Cuban invitation, in which she promoted her father and mentioned Reed's high regard for Finlay. He informs her that the park will be called Camp Lazear, and that this is the first time the Cuban government has honored Reed and his associates.

Dates:  November 20, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Lawrence [Walter L.] Reed,  November 20, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 32
Identifier: 04432009
Scope and Contents

Hench informs Lawrence Reed that Blossom Reed has already replied to the Cuban invitation to attend the Camp Lazear dedication. Hench requests that he send a communique expressing the appreciation of the Reed family.

Dates:  November 20, 1952

Letter from Lawrence [Walter L.] Reed to Philip Showalter Hench,  November 29, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 32
Identifier: 04432010
Scope and Contents

Lawrence Reed informs Hench that he has received three invitations from the Cuban government to attend the dedication of Camp Lazear. However, he has declined the invitations. He hopes that Hench has a wonderful time in Havana.

Dates:  November 29, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to the Committee on Trips,  November 4, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433001
Scope and Contents

Hench requests permission from the Mayo Clinic Committee on Trips to attend the dedication of Camp Lazear, explaining his involvement with the preservation efforts. He has been invited by the Cuban government to speak at the ceremony.

Dates:  November 4, 1952

Memoranda from the Medical Graduate Committee and the Committee on Trips,  November 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433002
Scope and Contents

The Medical Graduate Committee approves a request to place a wreath on Finlay's memorial, and the Committee on Trips approves Hench's request to attend the dedication of Camp Lazear.

Dates:  November 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Austin Smith,  November 5, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433003
Scope and Contents

Hench suggests that Smith publish a short news item in "The Journal of the American Medical Association" about the upcoming dedication ceremony of Camp Lazear. He lists the names of Cuban officials involved in the project. Hench confesses his fear that the site will be called “Parque Finlay” instead of Camp Lazear.

Dates:  November 5, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Mrs. Robert P. Cooke,  November 6, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433005
Scope and Contents

Hench expresses his condolences to Mrs. Cooke on the death of her husband. He informs her of the upcoming Camp Lazear dedication and asks for a photograph of her husband, whose name will appear on the memorial tablet.

Dates:  November 6, 1952

Letter from Austin Smith to Philip Showalter Hench,  November 13, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433007
Scope and Contents

Smith informs Hench that he will contact Cuban officials in order to get information about the dedication of Camp Lazear, and to stimulate recognition of American interest in this activity.

Dates:  November 13, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to George A. Bennett,  November 18, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433008
Scope and Contents

Hench inquires whether the Medical School of Jefferson College or the Medical Alumni Association would be interested in placing a wreath under the medallion of Finlay during the dedication ceremony of Camp Lazear. Finlay graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1855.

Dates:  November 18, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Cesar Rodriguez Exposito,  November 18, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433010
Scope and Contents

Hench accepts Exposito's invitation to attend the ceremonies at the Finca San Jose, site of Camp Lazear.

Dates:  November 18, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to George P. Berry,  November 19, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433011
Scope and Contents

Hench inquires whether the Medical School of Harvard University might wish to have a representative place a wreath under the medallion of Wood during the dedication ceremonies of Camp Lazear. Wood graduated from Harvard Medical School in the late 1880s.

Dates:  November 19, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Vernon W. Lippard,  November 19, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433013
Scope and Contents

Hench inquires whether a representative of the Medical School of the University of Virginia would like to place a wreath under Reed's medallion during the dedication of Camp Lazear. Reed graduated from the University of Virginia Medical School in 1869.

Dates:  November 19, 1952

Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Currier McEwen,  November 19, 1952

 Item — Box: 44, Folder: 33
Identifier: 04433015
Scope and Contents

Hench inquires whether a representative of the Bellevue Medical Center would like to place a wreath under Reed's medallion during the dedication ceremonies of Camp Lazear. Reed graduated from Bellevue Medical College in 1870.

Dates:  November 19, 1952