Box 44
Contains 192 Results:
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Blossom [Emilie M.] Reed, April 2, 1952
Hench will inform Clark that Blossom plans to write a story about the Apache woman who worked in her parent's household. Hench offers to put her into contact with one of the editors of the Saturday Evening Post. He reports that the Cuban government seems prepared to do something about Camp Lazear, and he will send Blossom copies of the plans.
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, April 1952
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, May 1952
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, June 1952
Letter from Helen Duprey Bullock to Javier Malagon, July 11, 1952
Bullock inquires if Malagon knows of any organizations in Cuba that are concerned with the preservation of historical monuments, and whether there are any provisions in Cuban law for the protection of such sites. Bullock mentions Hench's interest in the preservation of Building No. 1 at Camp Lazear.
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, July 1952
Correspondence between Philip Showalter Hench and the Reed family, August 1952
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, August 1952
Materials relating to a trip taken by Philip Showalter Hench to Mexico, August 1952
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Hazel Cage, September 13, 1952
Hench thanks Cage for informing him that Ida Kissinger has died.
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, October 1952
Correspondence between Philip Showalter Hench and the Reed family, November 1952
Correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench relating the dedicatory ceremonies for the memorial park at the site of Camp Lazear, November 1952
Miscellaneous correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench, November 1952
Drafts ofThe Historic Role of the Finca San Jose and 'Camp Lazear' in the Conquest of Yellow Fever by Carlos Finlay, Walter Reed and Their Associates, by Philip Showalter Hench, December 3, 1952
Dedication of Camp Lazear, photograph index and notes, December 3, 1952-December 6, 1952
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Maria Teresa Rojas, August 6, 1951
Hench is discouraged by the Cuban government's lack of response to the Camp Lazear memorial. The government will not permit Hench to donate money to the site because it is a Cuban national monument, but the government has not allocated any money itself.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Maria Teresa Rojas, August 30, 1951
Hench informs Rojas that he is coming to Cuba in about five months for a medical congress. He asks her advice about hotels and indicates that he would like to see her.
Letter from Maria Teresa Rojas to Philip Showalter Hench, July 22, 1951
Rojas informs Hench that she has read of the Cuban government's plans to make the Camp Lazear memorial another monument to Finlay, and wonders if Hench has abandoned his plans for the memorial or is still working with the government. She offers her help and hopes his ideas will be carried out.
English translation [from Spanish] of letter from Maria Teresa Rojas to Philip Showalter Hench, July 22, 1951
Rojas informs Hench that she has read of the Cuban government's plans to make the Camp Lazear memorial another monument to Finlay, and wonders if Hench has abandoned his plans for the memorial or is still working with the government. She offers her help and hopes his ideas will be carried out.