Box 42
Contains 295 Results:
Telegram from Philip Showalter Hench to Bertha L. Lyons, April 29, 1948
Hench provides Lyons with information on Camp Lazear Building No. 1, to be used in a Hall of Fame exhibit on Reed.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Raymond O. Dart, April 29, 1948
Hench informs Dart that he will bring Reed materials for exhibit at the International Congress of Tropical Medicine. He appreciates the ongoing search for an English translation of Carlos J. Finlay's work.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Frank R. McCoy, April 29, 1948
Hench sends McCoy a memorandum on his recent trip to Cuba. Hench inquires if McCoy could arrange for Hench to use Wood's diary in the Library of Congress, and seeks further information from him concerning McCoy's opinions that Wood was the primary supporter of Reed's work in Cuba.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Harry Clemons, April 30, 1948
Hench asks Clemons to have Hench's Reed material ready for him to pick up from Alderman Library. Clemons may copy any of the material for his records.
Note, circa 1948
Letter from Bertha L. Lyons to Philip Showalter Hench, April 30, 1948
Lyons sends Hench the captions for the copies of Reed items to be exhibited at the Hall of Fame. She asks that he proofread them so that the program can be prepared.
Group photograph with Blossom Reed and her brother Walter L. Reed at the unveiling of their father's bust, May 20, 1948
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to G. Meredith Brill, May 3, 1948
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to James O. Gawne, May 3, 1948
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Wilbur A. Sawyer, April 7, 1948
Hench expresses concern about the safety of material being shipped for an exhibit.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Raymond O. Dart, April 7, 1948
Hench expresses concern about security issues in setting up an exhibit.
Letter from Bertha L. Lyons to Philip Showalter Hench, April 7, 1948
Hench expresses concern about security issues in setting up an exhibit.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Bertha L. Lyons, April 6, 1948
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to James F. Minor, April 7, 1948
Hench informs Minor that he will be pleased to give a talk on Walter Reed for the Albemarle County Historical Society. He discusses details related to arrangements and scheduling.
Letter from Thurman B. Rice to Fletcher Hodges, April 7, 1948
Rice sends Hodges the list of hotels Indianapolis in 1900 for his review and comments on Hench's research. Hodges handwritten reply is included at the end of this letter.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Bertha L. Lyons, April 8, 1948
Letter from Bertha L. Lyons to Philip Showalter Hench, April 9, 1948
Lyons lists the copies of Walter Reed items that have been selected from among those sent by Hench to be used in the Hall of Fame.
Letter from Lillie W. Franck to Philip Showalter Hench, April 10, 1948
Franck discusses secretarial work she has done for Hench in connection with interviews of Lawrence Reed, Kean, and Ireland.
Letter from Thurman B. Rice to Philip Showalter Hench, April 13, 1948
In connection with Hench's efforts to learn more about Reed's 1900 Indianapolis lecture, Rice sends Hench a list of hotels in the city at that date. He also encloses a letter from Rice to Fletcher Hodges, a friend and long-time Indianapolis resident, which includes Hodges' reply to Rice. Hodges has crossed out some of the hotels on the list.
List of hotels in Indianapolis in 1900, April 6, 1948
This list of hotels was compiled from the 1900 Indianapolis City Directory to determine where Walter Reed might have stayed.