Box 38
Contains 398 Results:
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Carlos E. Finlay, November 22, 1941
Hench sends Carlos E. Finlay a reprint of his yellow fever article, and hopes that Finlay regards it as the beginning of a campaign to publicize the work of Finlay's father, Carlos J. Finlay, in America. He discusses his continuing efforts to create a memorial to the yellow fever work at the site of Camp Lazear.
Letter from Harry A. Davis to Philip Showalter Hench, November 22, 1941
Davis thanks Hench for the reprint of his article, “Conquerors of Yellow Fever.”
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Mrs. Edward J. Dimock, November 22, 1941
Hench sends Mrs. Dimock a copy of his yellow fever article and mentions his visit with her brother.
Letter from Theodore L. Bliss to Philip Showalter Hench, November 22, 1941
Bliss thanks Hench for the reprint of his yellow fever article and jokes that Hench should have been carrying or wearing a sun helmet in the article's illustration.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to John R. Bullard, November 22, 1941
Hench sends Bullard reprints of his yellow fever article and inquires if he would like a copy of the Cornwell painting. He informs Bullard that Truby's autobiography should be ready soon.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Pedro Machado de Cardenas, November 24, 1941
Hench requests a copy of a photograph of Military Hospital No. 1. He forwards a reprint of his yellow fever article and informs Cardenas that he hopes to make Finlay's contributions better known to the American public.
Letter from Ralph Cooper Hutchison to Philip Showalter Hench, November 25, 1941
Hutchison reports on his mother-in-law's ill health and requests an autographed reprint of his yellow fever article for Culley. Hutchison admires the Cornwell painting.
Letter from Merritte W. Ireland to Philip Showalter Hench, November 26, 1941
Ireland thanks Hench for the reprints of his yellow fever article and reports that Truby's manuscript should be ready to publish soon.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Ignacio Alvare, November 26, 1941
Hench sends Alvare a reprint of his yellow fever article and notes that it is the beginning of his attempts to honor Finlay's work as well as that of the yellow fever board.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to W. Branks Stewart, November 26, 1941
Hench requests a photograph of a bas-relief memorializing the yellow fever board.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to John R. Taylor, November 26, 1941
Hench introduces himself and sends Taylor a reprint of his yellow fever article.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to William D. Postell, November 26, 1941
Hench informs Postell that he has written to W. Branks Stewart requesting a photograph of the memorial bas-relief. He has also written to Agramonte's daughter, and thinks it would be wise for the Agramonte Memorial Library to see that she gets a photograph of the memorial.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Guiellermo Lage, November 27, 1941
Hench sends Lage a reprint of his yellow fever article, and hopes that he will see it as the beginning of efforts to publicize the work of Finlay among Americans. He hopes the Cubans will learn more about Reed and his colleagues, as well.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Thomas M. England, November 27, 1941
Hench discusses his yellow fever research and sends England a copy of his “Conquerors of Yellow Fever” article. He mentions England's participation in the experiments.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Francisco Dominguez, November 27, 1941
Hench sends Dominguez a reprint of his yellow fever article, and hopes that he will see it as the beginning of efforts to publicize the work of Finlay among Americans.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Eduardo Angles, November 27, 1941
Hench sends Angles a reprint of his yellow fever article, and hopes Angles will see it as the beginning of efforts to publicize the work of Finlay among Americans.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Margaret Lazear Briggs, November 28, 1941
Hench describes meeting some of Briggs' relatives at the Lazear memorial event at Washington and Jefferson College, and describes the Cornwell portrait unveiling.
Letter from William D. Postell to Philip Showalter Hench, November 29, 1941
Postell thanks Hench for furthering the interests of the library with Agramonte's daughter, and promises to see about having a photograph made of the memorial bas-relief.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Clyde L. West, November 27, 1941
Hench discusses his yellow fever research and sends West a copy of his “Conquerors of Yellow Fever” article. He mentions West's participation in the experiments.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Clyde L. West, November 27, 1941
Hench discusses his yellow fever research and sends West a copy of his “Conquerors of Yellow Fever” article. He mentions West's participation in the experiments.