Box 38
Contains 398 Results:
Correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench with Alberto Recio, 1941
Correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench with Estela Agramonte Rodriguez Leon, 1941
Correspondence of Philip Showalter Hench relating to the radio program,Court of Missing Heirs, 1941
Letters from Mrs. Folwell to Thomas E. Keyes, 1941
Notes of Philip Showalter Hench, 1941
List of material from National Archives relating to yellow fever on microfilm, circa 1941
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Archie Woods, November 17, 1941
Hench writes that he enjoyed the Woods' visit.
Letter from Frances Wood to Philip Showalter Hench, November 19, 1941
Wood thanks Hench for the copy of his yellow fever article. She also offers her opinion of Dean.
Letter from E.F. McEwan to Philip Showalter Hench, November 20, 1941
McEwan thanks Hench for the copy of his yellow fever article and makes reference to Hench's mother.
Letter from Ralph Cooper Hutchison to Philip Showalter Hench, November 20, 1941
Hutchison thanks Hench for the print of the Cornwell painting for Lazear Hall.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to A. Diaz Albertini, November 21, 1941
Hench discusses the speech he delivered at the unveiling of the last Cornwell painting. He hopes that the painting gives due credit to the Cuban contributions to the fight against yellow fever.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Luther M. Cornwall Books, November 21, 1941
Hench inquires about used copies of government documents, and encloses a list of them for Cornwall.
List of government documents related to Yellow Fever Commission, circa November 21, 1941
Hench lists government documents related to the Yellow Fever Commission.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to the Alabama Photo Studios, November 21, 1941
Hench makes arrangements to have photostats made of the book on Military Hospital No. 1.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to J.F. Rodriguez-Perez, November 21, 1941
Hench discusses the speech he delivered at the unveiling of the latest Cornwell painting and expresses his hope that the event will shed light on the contribution of Finlay in the fight against yellow fever.
Letter from Robert J. Usher to Philip Showalter Hench, November 21, 1941
Usher thanks Hench for the reprint of his yellow fever article and informs Hench that he will check for references to yellow fever in New Orleans.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Blanca Malaret, November 21, 1941
Hench sends Malaret copies of letters concerning the photostats he has requested of the Military Hospital No. 1 history. He also sends reprints of his yellow fever article and hopes that Cubans regard it as the beginning of Hench's campaign to credit Finlay's work among American physicians.
Letter from Harry Clemons to Philip Showalter Hench, November 21, 1941
Clemons thanks Hench for the reprint of his yellow fever article.
Letter from Anna M. Sexton to Philip Showalter Hench, November 22, 1941
Sexton thanks Hench for the reprints of his yellow fever article.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Robert P. Cooke, November 22, 1941
Hench sends Cooke reprints of his yellow fever article and refers to a large copy of the Cornwell painting sent to Cooke by Kellogg. He discusses future research plans for his yellow fever investigation. Hench informs Cooke that Truby's autobiography will be published shortly.