Box 38
Contains 398 Results:
Letter from D.J. Withington to Philip Showalter Hench, January 9, 1941
Withington mentions the publication of a third series of paintings entitled "Pioneers of American Medicine." Withington suggests a meeting in order to discuss this series. He requests information on Walter Reed.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to J. Christian Bay, January 9, 1941
Hench requests extending the loan of a library book for photocopying purposes.
Letter from J. Christian Bay to Philip Showalter Hench, January 10, 1941
Bay grants Hench permission to keep the library book as long as needed for photocopying purposes.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to J. Christian Bay, January 15, 1941
Hench thanks Bay for the extension of the library book loan.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to the microfilm service of the Army Medical Library, January 16, 1941
Hench requests microfilms and photostats from the Army Medical Library pertaining to the yellow fever investigation.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to D.J. Withington, January 22, 1941
Hench suggests meeting with Cornwell and Withington to discuss a possible future painting to be included in their series entitled "Pioneers of American Medicine." He offers to present them with his research on the Yellow Fever Commission. Hench discusses his memorial plans in Cuba.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Henry E. Sigerist, January 22, 1941
Hench thanks Sigerist for his offer to publish his paper on yellow fever in the Johns Hopkins "Bulletin of the History of Medicine."
Letter from Grace T. Hallock to Philip Showalter Hench, January 23, 1941
Hallock informs Hench that the inaccuracies in the Walter Reed filmstrip have been corrected and that Hench will receive a copy of the film. Autographed notes by Hench are included in the letter.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to the Chief of the Photographic Department, December 30, 1941
Hench requests permission to examine the photographs that the Signal Corps of the Army took at Columbia Barracks, the Post Hospital and Camp Lazear from 1899 to 1901.
Postcard from J.W. Torbett to Philip Showalter Hench, December 30, 1941
Corbett compliments Hench on his speech during the unveiling of the Cornwell painting.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Pablo Isaac Garcia, December 30, 1941
Hench thanks Garcia for a photograph of Hospital No. 1. He is looking forward to receiving a copy of "Memorias del Hospital Numero Uno."
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Enrique Cervantes, December 31, 1941
Hench thanks Cervantes for the "Medicas" reprint.
Letter from Blanca Malaret to Philip Showalter Hench, December 31, 1941
Malaret thanks Hench for the reprint of his article: "The Conquerors of Yellow Fever."
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Carlos F. Sacasa, December 31, 1941
Hench requests that Sacasa contact James Carroll's son, George. Hench would like to correct the record of James Carroll. He believes Carroll did not get full credit for his work.
Letter from Philip Showalter Hench to Douglas R. Dodge, December 31, 1941
Hench sends a reprint on yellow fever to Dodge, a relative of Carroll's. He requests that Dodge help him to meet with Carroll's son, George.
Letter from [Philip Showalter Hench?] to unidentified person, circa 1941
Letter from J.F. Rodriguez-Perez to Philip Showalter Hench, December 5, 1941
Rodriguez-Perez thanks Hench for his letter and reprint of "The Conquerors of Yellow Fever." He will order additional copies of "Memoria del Hospital No. 1" for Hench, a copy of which will be sent to the US Army Medical Library. See English translation.
Translation [from Spanish] of letter from J.F. Rodriguez-Perez to Philip Showalter Hench, December 5, 1941
Rodriguez-Perez thanks Hench for his letter and reprint of "The Conquerors of Yellow Fever." He will order additional copies of "Memoria del Hospital No. 1" for Hench, a copy of which will be sent to the U.S. Army Medical Library.
Letter from Francisco Dominguez to Philip Showalter Hench, December 9, 1941
Dominguez sends Hench a copy of his address at the meeting of the School of Medicine of Havana University in honor of Matas. See English translation.
Translation [from Spanish] of letter from Francisco Dominguez to Philip Showalter Hench, December 9, 1941
Dominguez sends Hench a copy of his address at the meeting of the School of Medicine of Havana University, held in honor of Matas.