Box 30
Contains 167 Results:
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, April 5, 1921
Hanson discusses outbreaks of yellow fever in Peru, and his dealings with the Peruvian government. He requests the use of International Health Board funding.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, April 24, 1921
Hanson discusses a yellow fever outbreak on the frontier of Peru. He states that yellow fever cases are declining elsewhere.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, April 29, 1921
Hanson discusses funding issues and a recent yellow fever outbreak.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, May 6, 1921
Hanson discusses the spread of yellow fever in Peru, and the use of fish to control mosquitoes. He also discusses funding issues.
Letter from Wickliffe Rose to Henry Hanson, May 6, 1921
Rose grants Hanson's request for trained sanitary inspectors. He expects cooperation with the French Army Medical Corps. He encloses an account sheet detailing conversion of currency.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, May 15, 1921
Hanson discusses financial affairs and describes various yellow fever cases.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Direccion de Salubridad, May 18, 1921
Hanson requests an increase of funds. He discusses his dealings with local authorities and steamship companies.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, June 18, 1921
Hanson discusses funding and reports on yellow fever cases. He requests more inspectors.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Wickliffe Rose, November 2, 1921
Hanson discusses funding and the use of fish in breeding areas. He lists the people in charge of various locations, and has hopes of soon eliminating yellow fever on the coast.
Estimate for the Financial Participation of the International Health Board in the Yellow Fever Campaign in Peru, circa 1921
Hanson estimates funding needed from the International Health Board for the Peruvian yellow fever campaign, with the employees and salaries for the different locations listed.
Presupuesto Que Corresponde al Gobierno de los Gastos para la Campan a Sanitaria Contra la Fiebre Amarilla en el Departmento de Libertad, circa 1921
This is an estimated budget for the sanitation campaign to eliminate yellow fever, prepared by Henry Hanson, the Director of the Sanitation Campaign.
Letter from Henry Hanson to the Director of Public Health, March 30, 1921
Hanson writes about the inappropriate handling of vaccine.
Letter from John P. Corrigan to Henry Hanson, August 13, 1921
Corrigan describes inspections of various Peruvian sites for yellow fever eradication.
Cablegram from Henry Hanson to the International Health Board, September 5, 1921
This is a cablegram with a translated cipher. It concerns funding for health inspectors in the Panama Canal Zone.
Letter from John P. Corrigan to Henry Hanson, August 23, 1921
Corrigan relates the results of mosquito control inspections on farms.
Letter from Henry Rose Carter to Philip A. Bruce, June 24, 1922
Carter offers a correction to Bruce's “History of the University of Virginia.“
Letter from Howard A. Kelly to William H. Welch, October 7, 1922
Kelly solicits corrections or clarifications for a new edition of his book, “Walter Reed and Yellow Fever.“
Letter from Howard A. Kelly to William H. Welch, October 7, 1922
Kelly solicits corrections or clarifications for a new edition of his book, “Walter Reed and Yellow Fever.“
Letter from [Howard A. Kelly] to the Superintendent of the Walter Reed Hospital, October 12, 1922
[Kelly] solicits corrections and clarifications for a new edition of his book, “Walter Reed and Yellow Fever.“
Letter from [Howard A. Kelly] to Caroline Latimer, October 13, 1922
[Kelly] requests information on Emilie Lawrence Reed.