Box 30
Contains 167 Results:
Correspondence relating to the offer of the Presidency of the University of Alabama to William Crawford Gorgas, July 1911
Records of the Surgeon General's office relating to a publication honoring Walter Reed and the U.S. Army Yellow Fever Commission, January 12, 1911-September 12, 1911
Records regard the publication of “Major Walter Reed and the Yellow Fever Commission - A Compilation.” The Smithsonian Institution requests photographs of Walter Reed. The record card is dated January 12, 1911 through September 12, 1911. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Notes on the Stegomyia Mosquito, circa 1900-1930
The writer believes Cuba should not be quarantined until yellow fever appears again.
Payroll notes from [Canal Zone?], circa 1905-1940
This list gives names and salaries.
Letter from Ida E. Kissinger to James E. Peabody, February 15, 1912
Ida Kissinger sends photographs for Peabody's lecture and mentions Kelly's book. The Kissingers appreciate all the help given to them. They also provide Agramonte's address in Havana.
Letter from Aristides Agramonte to Dr. Santos with English translation, February 22, 1912
Letter from Bessie C. Wratten to Emilie Lawrence Reed, March 27, 1912
Wratten informs Emilie Lawrence Reed that her husband will offer assistance with her writing.
Letter from George M. Wratten to Emilie Lawrence Reed, April 1, 1912
Wratten sends Emilie Lawrence Reed transliterations of [song?] titles.
To Give Credit Where It Is Due
,Baltimore American, July 6, 1912
Letter from Joseph B. Bishop to John J. Moran, August 12, 1912
Bishop requests a photograph of Moran from the yellow fever experiment years to be used in an article in Scribner's Magazine.
Letters from Caroline Latimer to [s.n.] Waterson, September 25, 1912-September 26, 1912
Letter from George H. Torney to the Director of the Yellow Fever Bureau, December 7, 1912
Torney reports that Agramonte has requested that a statement published in the Yellow Fever Bureau Bulletin be corrected. Torney explains how he believes the apparent injustice occurred, and requests the correction on behalf of the Office of the Surgeon General.
Records of the Surgeon General's office relating to correspondence between William T. Jenkins and Randolph Jefferson Kean, March 27, 1912
These excerpts regard the correspondence between William T. Jenkins and Jefferson Randolph Kean, and the confusion of Jenkins' mailing address. The record card is dated March 27, 1912 through April 20, 1912. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Excerpt from theAgreement between the History of Yellow Fever and its Transmission By the Culex Mosquito (Stegomyia of Theobald)
, by Carlos J. Finlay with related notes, circa 1912-1955
Conquest of Yellow Fever
, February 15, 1913
Letter from Rupert Blue to Henry Rose Carter, August 4, 1913
Blue orders Carter to North Carolina to investigate malaria and propose control measures.
Records of the Surgeon General's Office relating to the military career of Walter Reed, 1913
Letter from Joseph A. Le Prince to Henry Rose Carter with pamphlet, 1914-1915
Pamphlet relates to drainage law of the State of South Carolina.
Memorandum of interview with William Crawford Gorgas, by Wickliffe Rose, July 14, 1914
Rose and Gorgas discuss the relative severity of ankylostomiasis and malaria in Malaya, as well as plans to eradicate yellow fever worldwide.