Box 29
Contains 181 Results:
Letter from J.O. Skinner to Howard A. Kelly, October 9, 1907
Skinner writes that he will attend a meeting at the Maryland Club. He expresses his sentiments for Carroll.
Letter from A.F.A. King to William N. Hill, October 9, 1907
King comments on the Maryland Club meeting and thanks Hill for some literature on drainage.
Letter from William N. Hill to Howard A. Kelly, October 10, 1907
Hill apologizes for his and King's absence from the Maryland Club meeting.
Text of speech by A.F.A King in honor of James Carroll, October 14, 1907
King honors Carroll and others. He lays emphasis on his contribution to national health. He supports a pension.
Letter from H.H. Donnally to Howard A. Kelly, October 17, 1907
Donnally thanks Kelly for his fairness to Carroll.
Letter from Marshall L. Price to Howard A. Kelly, October 19, 1907
Price writes about Carroll's experience in the military, particularly under the command of his father. He corrects misconceptions regarding his father's role in Carroll's career.
Letter from A.F.A. King to Howard A. Kelly, October 21, 1907
King responds to questions regarding publications of the Philosophical Society. He makes reference to a Smithsonian Institution report.
Letter from Howard A. Kelly to Juan Guiteras, October 26, 1907
Kelly requests permission to publish a letter from Carroll stating that Guiteras refused permission to take blood for the yellow fever experiments. Guiteras responds - in a autograph note on the same document - that he had no authority to permit or prevent Carroll from proceeding as he wished.
Military History of Hospital Steward James Carroll, October 1907
This document describes Carroll's various postings, beginning in September 1883, and includes evaluations of his performance by several commanding officers. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
List of contributors to the Kissinger Relief Fund, circa 1907
This document gives names and contribution amounts for the Kissinger Relief Fund.
Are Our Heroes of Peace Neglected?
,Richmond Times-Dispatch, November 3, 1907
Letter from A.S. von Mansfelde to Howard A. Kelly, November 6, 1907
Von Mansfelde requests a copy of the program for the Carroll Memorial Dinner and a copy of the letter von Mansfelde wrote Kelly regarding Carroll's promotion. Von Mansfelde adds that he is continuing to work for pensions for the widows of Lazear and Carroll.
Letter from S.C. Meade to A.S.V. Mansfelde with a copy of a bill granting an increase of pension to Mabel H. Lazear, November 20, 1907
Letter to Carolyn H. Booth from [Caroline Latimer?], December 6, 1907
The writer acknowledges the receipt of a letter concerning Kissinger's pension increase. Kelly awaits instructions for further assistance.
Letter from William N. Hill to [Howard A. Kelly?], December 7, 1907
Hill comments on a strategy to lobby Congress for pension bills.
Letter from Carolyn H. Booth to Howard A. Kelly, December 10, 1907
Booth notes the actions taken for Kissinger's pension and her attentions to the Kissinger family.
Envelope addressed to Caroline Latimer, December 12, 1907
Fiebre Amarilla: Instrucciones Populares Para Evitar Su Transmision y Propagacion, December 1907
This pamphlet details preventative measures against yellow fever, especially the control of mosquitos.
Letters from John R. Kissinger and Ida E. Kissinger to Howard A. Kelly, March 1907-November 1907
Letter from S.C. Mead to A.S. von Mansfelde, November 20, 1907
Mead, on behalf of the Merchants' Association of New York, expresses support for the Carroll and Lazear pension bills.