Box 28
Contains 140 Results:
Five New Cases in Cienfuegos
, circa 1907
Proclamation from the Alcaldia Municipal de Cienfuegos, August 12, 1907
The mayor of Cienfuegos announces, in light of an outbreak of yellow fever, that all water containers must be brought up to code within 48 hours.
The Yellow Fever Situation in Cienfuegos
,New York Herald, August 16, 1907
Only Three Soldiers Have Yellow Fever
, August 21, 1907
The Zeal and Efficiency Shown by Our Medical Officers
,The Havana Daily Telegraph, August 21, 1907
Washington Gets Magoon's Report
,The Havana Post, August 21, 1907
The Cuban Side of It
,The New York Sun, circa August 24th, 1907
Decree Nationalizing Sanitation in Cuba
,The Havana Daily Telegraph, August 27, 1907
National Sanitation - Some Objections
,The Havana Daily Telegraph, August 27, 1907
On Cuban Sanitation
, September 4, 1907
Magoon Orders Wine Admitted
, September 6, 1907
Por Decoro de la Administracion
, November 12, 1907
Interesante Entrevista con el Jefe Local de Sanidad, Doctor Mc. Millan.
,El Gamagueyano, November 14, 1907
Letter from William Crawford Gorgas to Robert M. O'Reilly, April 24, 1905
Gorgas requests that Ira A. Shimer be assigned to the Sanitary Corps.
Letter from the Chief Sanitary Officer to the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission, April 24, 1905
The Chief Sanitary Officer requests that Shimer be assigned duty in the Sanitary Department.
Letter from [George H.] Smith, August 3, 1905
Smith explains the importance of the Reed's work with the Yellow Fever Commission and asks that his accomplishments be publicized. He includes an article on Reed's work, distributed by the New Orleans & North-Eastern Railroad Company, the Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company, and the Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railway Company.
Major Reed's Work in Havana; How he Proved that Yellow Fever is Transmitted Only by One Species of Mosquito and that Articles Used or Soiled by Patients Do Note Cary Infection, circa 1905
Article on Reed's work, distributed by the New Orleans & North-Eastern Railroad Company, the Alabama & Vicksburg Railway Company, and the Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railway Company.
Letter from Calvin DeWitt to the Medical Officers in the Military, Naval, and Public Health and M.H. Services, circa 1905
DeWitt solicits contributions to the Walter Reed Memorial Association.
Form letter from Calvin DeWitt of the Walter Reed Memorial Association, circa 1905
This form letter from DeWitt solicits contributions to the Walter Reed Memorial Association.
Form letter from Calvin DeWitt of the Walter Reed Memorial Association to "Doctor", circa 1905
This form letter from DeWitt solicits contributions to the Walter Reed Memorial Association.