Box 28
Contains 140 Results:
Letter from Howard A. Kelly to A.S. von Mansfelde, circa 1906
Kelly will help Carroll, but not to the detriment of Reed. Kelly asks von Mansfelde to send him any worthy names for a Cyclopedia of American Medical Biography that he is compiling.
Letter from James Carroll to Howard A. Kelly, January 6, 1907
Carroll sends a note of gratitude for Kelly's letter to Secretary Wilson.
Issue ofThe Youth's Companion, January 10, 1907
Includes Howard Atwood Kelley's article,The Lesson of Little Things: The Conquest of Yellow Fever
Minutes from the Conference of the Committee on Medical Legislation and the National Legislation Council of the American Medical Association, January 12, 1907
These minutes include a discussion of the failure of Congress to pass a bill to provide financial relief to James Carroll's family.
Facsimile of letter from Theodore Roosevelt to William H. Taft, January 22, 1907
Roosevelt advocates establishment of peace and order in Cuba, and rejects the idea of a U.S. protectorate there. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Reconaissance sketch of Marianao, Cuba, by Corporal Cronin, January 1907
Letter from T.D. Berry to Editor of theJournal of the American Medical Association, February 1, 1907
Berry claims Roger P. Ames had important role in the yellow fever experiments.
Senate Report No. 6009, James Carroll, February 2, 1907
This report concerns James Carroll.
Letter from John J. Moran to Howard A. Kelly, February 15, 1907
Moran provides his autobiography, including his experiences as a participant in the yellow fever experiments.
Letter from N.P. Stewart to Howard A. Kelly, February 20, 1907
Stewart praises Kelly's book. He suggests corrections for clarification, and notes that he would emphasize the role of the Public Health Service.
Letter from John S. Fulton to Howard A. Kelly with enclosed clipping, 1907
Letter from T.D. Berry to Roger Post Ames, February 27, 1907
Telegram from James Carroll to Howard A. Kelly [telegram; article fragment], circa March 11, 1907
The telegram deals with the James Carroll's promotion to Major, and is then followed by a biographical article about him. [missing pages 1 - 3 of 5].
Letter from Robert M. O'Reilly to S. C. Meade, March 13, 1907
O'Reilly informs Meade that the Walter Reed Memorial Fund has increased Emilie Lawrence Reed's pension, that James Carroll has been promoted to Major, and that Mabel H. Lazear has been minimally compensated for her husband's work. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Letter from John J. Moran to Roger Post Ames, March 14, 1907
Letter relates to the amount of money offered to Moran for volunteering to participate in the yellow fever experiment.
Letter from T.D. Berry to Roger Post Ames, March 20, 1907
Letter from E.R. Dean to Howard A. Kelly, April 2, 1907
Dean writes about the financial and physical condition of Kissinger (a yellow fever experiment patient) and discusses a pension bill for him in Congress.
A Hero from the Ranks
,Outlook, June 29, 1907
The article, which appeared in "Outlook," outlines Kissinger's contribution to the yellow fever work and appeals for financial contributions for his care.
Letter from S. Solis Cohen to George M. Kober, July 2, 1907
Letter relates to the credit to all those associated with the yellow fever experiments.
Letter from Mrs. Percival Chrystie to Howard A. Kelly, July 2, 1907
Chrystie sends a contribution for Kissinger.