Box 26
Contains 105 Results:
Endorsements regarding Commissioner of Pensions, December 1901
Endorsements requests history and personal description of Reed, along with information on next of kin. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report on Walter Reed, circa 1900
This handwritten account of Reed's military history includes a listing of his military orders from 1875 through 1894. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Letter from Emilie Lawrence Reed to the Adjutant General, December 27, 1902
Reed requests that her husband's letters about his laudatory character be sent to her. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report for Walter Reed, circa 1900
This document summarizes evaluations by inspectors and commanding officers about the work performed by Reed. Many of Reed's superiors give him an excellent rating and find him to be a competent medical officer. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Report on Walter Reed, January 22, 1903
This document summarizes Reed's promotions and military stations. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Article fragment:Agreement between the History of Yellow Fever and its Transmission By the Culex Mosquito (Stegomyia of Theobald)
, February 19, 1902
Photostat of page 411 of Carter's copy of Finlay's Selected Works. Included are notes by Hench.
Letter from the Surgeon General to James Carroll, October 4, 1902
O'Reilly informs Carroll that his application for appointment in the Medical Corps has been approved and that the age limit will be waived. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Letter from the Surgeon General to James Carroll, October 18, 1902
Carroll is to report to Dewitt for examination before the Army Medical Board. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Military History of Major Walter Reed, January 2, 1902
Sternberg lists the military posts and stations served by Reed as reported by the records of the Surgeon General.
Military History of Major Walter Reed, June 2, 1902
Surgeon General's Records listing military and personal history for Reed until June 2, 1902.
A New Microbe Discovered
, circa 1902
Conquest of Yellow Fever
, circa 1902
The Late Major Walter Reed
,The New York Times, December 4, 1902
Major Walter Reed Dead
,The Baltimore Sun, November 23, 1902
A World Benefactor
,The Baltimore Sun, December 23, 1902
In Behalf of Mrs. Reed
, January 6, 1903
Mosquito Control Ends Fatal Plague of Yellow Fever
, circa 1927-1933
Orders from F.H. Beach to the Quartermaster of the Columbia Barracks, February 21, 1902
Beach reports that government vehicles may not be used for private purposes, i.e. entertainment.
Official Request from Jefferson Randolph Kean to F.H. Beach, February 18, 1902
Kean requests a copy of the orders forbidding private use of government vehicles.
Letter from Elihu Root to William Osler, May 20, 1902
Root thanks Osler for his letter supporting Reed for nomination to the post of Surgeon General. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]