Box 26
Contains 105 Results:
Inventory of effects of Walter Reed, November 23, 1902
Histories of Major Walter Reed's military career, 1902
Telegram from the Assistant Adjutant General to Commanding Officer, Fort Myer, Virginia, November 24, 1902
Telegram relates to furnishing escort for Walter Reed's funeral.
Letter from William C. Borden to the War Department, December 6, 1902
Borden certifies that Reed died in the line of duty. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Letter from Christopher Reed to Jefferson Randolph Kean, December 23, 1902
Christopher Reed provides a story of young Walter Reed in Brooklyn, where he was frustrated by malpractice in the medical profession.
Letter from Jefferson Randolph Kean to Howard A. Kelly, December 27, 1902
Kean discusses a strategy to lobby Congress to approve a pension for Emilie Lawrence Reed.
Dr. Reed as a Medical Officer, an address given in honor of Walter Reed, December 31, 1902
Kean's remarks about Reed portray him as a great storyteller and as a doctor making heroic house-calls during his "Dakota winters".
Value of Dr. Reed's Work, circa 1902
[Kean?] comments on the paucity of public praise that Reed has received. He maintains that his work should be recognized by the United States government, and ends with a call for a generous pension to Emilie Lawrence Reed.
Data from reports made by William Crawford Gorgas, 1902
Gorgas details mosquito larvae inspections, from December 1901 to December 1902.
Newspaper clippings relating to the death of Walter Reed and work of Jesse W. Lazear, 1902
Extract from theAnnual Report of the Secretary of War, 1902
The report recognizes the work of Reed, Gorgas, Kean, Carroll, and Lazear.
Excerpt fromDr. Walter Reed, 1902
This excerpt discusses Reed's medical work and gives a listing of each publication authored by Reed.
Booklet published by the Walter Reed Memorial Association, circa 1902
This booklet contains extracts and resolutions honoring Walter Reed furnished by various individuals and institutions.
William H. Welch's account of Walter Reed's work at Johns Hopkins University, 1902
Letter from James Carroll to L. O. Howard, January 5, 1903
Carroll asks to borrow a journal from Howard that is not in the library. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Clippings relating to the remembrance of Walter Reed, circa 1903-1933
Letter from Jefferson Randolph Kean to Howard A. Kelly, January 11, 1903
Kean solicits support for pension bills in Congress. He discusses biographical essays on Walter Reed by himself and Kelly.
Letter from the Paymaster General's Office to Aristides Agramonte, January 13, 1903
Letter relates to $45 owed by Aristides Agramonte to the War Department.
Letter from John R. Vaughan to Howard A. Kelly, January 14, 1903
Vaughan requests that a letter in support of the pension bill be sent to the Washington Post.
Letter from Jefferson Randolph Kean to Caroline Latimer, circa January 28, 1903
Kean encourages Kelly to support the pension bill with a letter to the Washington Post.