Box 16
Contains 94 Results:
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 13, 1875
Reed writes that he has not heard from her, and he feels dejected. He attends a reception with a heavy heart.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 13, 1875
Reed learns that Emilie Lawrence is nursing her nephew who has typhoid fever. He expresses concern for her health, and apologizes for his sad letter earlier today.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 14, 1875
Reed expresses his anxiety for Emilie Lawrence's health. He reiterates his devotion to her.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 16, 1875
Reed reiterates his devotion to Emilie Lawrence. He expresses his hope for the future.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 20, 1875
Reed learns of the death of Emilie Lawrence's nephew. He meditates on Christian duty and on life's purpose for him.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 22, 1875
Reed visits New York City, where he buys Emilie Lawrence a book. He is concerned for her health.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, December 29, 1875
Reed reaffirms his feelings for Emilie Lawrence. He describes the physician's lot, and inquires about the new Murfreesboro newspaper and their friends Miss Peace and Mr. Sharpe.
Certification of Walter Reed's passing of army examinations and his appointment as assistant surgeon, July 10, 1880
Empty envelopes for letters from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, circa 1875
Cards from Walter Reed requesting to call on Emilie B. Lawrence, circa 1875
On the Yellow Malignant Fever
,New York Herald, June 21, 1806
Article on yellow fever New Orleans from theNew York Herald, August 18, 1853
The Yellow Fever--Increasing Mortality--Visit to the Hospital--Appearance of the Sick--The Weather, &c.
Inventory and inspection report of ambulances under the supervision of M.R. Baldwin, March 5, 1863
This document reviews the condition of the four horse ambulances of the 1st Division Ambulance Corp.
The History of a Rose, by Emily B. Lawrence, 1867
Lawrence writes a story about a rose.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, July 18, 1874
Reed plans to enter the U.S. Army Medical Corps, and gives his rationale. He describes his experiences in the city. He explains his later plans for marriage and his philosophy of life.
Letter from Walter Reed to Emilie B. Lawrence, August 12, 1874
Reed informs Lawrence that he is studying for the Medical Corps exam. He describes the exam, and offers his opinion of social engagements.
Military records and letters of recommendation relating to Walter Reed, August 29, 1874
These endorsements and letters of recommendation for Walter Reed relate to his appointment as Assistant Surgeon to the US Army. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Letter from Walter Reed to Joseph B. Brown, September 2, 1874
Reed accepts an invitation to appear before the U.S. Surgeon's Examining Board, and explains that he would have responded sooner had he not contracted a fever. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Letter from Walter Reed to the Surgeon General, September 2, 1874
Reed acknowledges the receipt of the invitation to appear before Army Medical Examination Board. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]
Examination paper on anatomy, February 8, 1875
Reed writes a paper on anatomy for qualification as an Army Surgeon. [Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration]