Box 10
Contains 208 Results:
Letter from Albert Woldert to Henry Rose Carter, February 16, 1923
Woldert requests that Carter send him information on anti-malarial work.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter, February 19, 1923
Read thanks Carter for his comments on Connor's article.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter, February 20, 1923
Read writes that the Health Board has received the articles Carter sent, and that they are sending him Guiteras' report and the Yellow Fever Commission report.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter, February 20, 1923
Read informs Carter that the Health Board has written to Connor suggesting he experiment with the water bug used by Houle.
Letter from T.H.D. Griffitts to Henry Rose Carter, February 23, 1923
Griffitts reports to Carter about anti-malarial work in Alabama. He requests Carter's advice for cleaning up a pond.
Letter to M.A. Barber, February 23, 1923
The writer describes experiments involving the winter breeding of mosquitoes.
Letter from Henry Hanson to Henry Rose Carter, February 24, 1923
Hanson informs Carter that he has settled in Jacksonville, Florida and has started his own practice. He discusses an alleged case of Weil's Disease in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Letter from Wickliffe Rose to Henry Rose Carter, February 27, 1923
Rose sends Carter clinical reports on possible yellow fever cases in Africa. The letter contains Carter's autograph notes. [Note: date may be in error; may be 1924, since enclosures sent with it date from March-Sept. 1923]
Letter from A. Connal to Wickliffe Rose, June 7, 1923
Connal discusses the pathological reports of a possible yellow fever case in Lagos.
Laboratory Findings[for yellow fever case in West Africa], by Hideyo Noguchi, May 24, 1923
Noguchi discusses the pathological reports of a possible yellow fever case in Lagos, Nigeria.
Letter from Samuel T. Darling to Frederick F. Russell, March 30, 1923
Darling discusses the pathological reports of a possible yellow fever case in Lagos, Nigeria.
Letter from Samuel T. Darling to Frederick F. Russell, March 30, 1923
Darling discusses the pathological reports of a possible yellow fever case in Lagos, Nigeria.
Letter from A. Connal to Frederick F. Russell, September 27, 1923
Connal sends pathological specimens from another possible African yellow fever case. He thanks Russell for consulting with Noguchi and Darling concerning the previous case.
Letter from T.H.D. Griffitts to the Medical Officer in Charge, March 1, 1923
Griffitts writes that he has surveyed a power company pond and makes recommendations for malaria prevention measures.
Letter from [Henry Rose Carter] to Frederick F. Russell, March 3, 1923
[Carter] discusses a fever outbreak in Ecuador. He weighs the evidence for and against a diagnosis of yellow fever.
Letter from William C. Rucker to [Hugh S. Cumming], March 5, 1923
Rucker reports on possible cases of yellow fever in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Letter from Wade Hampton Frost to Henry Rose Carter, March 6, 1923
Frost discusses Snow's book on cholera. He informs Carter that he will be lecturing in Washington, D.C. next month.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter, March 9, 1923
Read sends Carter Noguchi's letter concerning a possible Ecuadorean yellow fever case.
Letter from Hideyo Noguchi to Frederick F. Russell, March 7, 1923
Noguchi discusses an Ecuadorean fever case that might be yellow fever.
Los Sintomas de la Epidemia de Bucaramanga. Detallado Informe de los Medicos. La Peste de Bucaramanga, March 9, 1923
These excerpts - from the "Diario del Comercio" - describe a Colombian fever epidemic and advise preventive measures.