Box 10
Contains 208 Results:
Letter from [Henry Rose Carter] to Wickliffe Rose, December 7, 1922
[Carter] comments on alleged yellow fever cases in Ceara, Brazil.
Expenses Incurred in Writing History of Yellow Fever, December 7, 1922
Carter lists expenses related to writing the History of Yellow Fever.
Letter from Henry Rose Carter to Howard A. Kelly, December 10, 1922
Carter discusses his connection to the work of Reed's Yellow Fever Commission. Carter maintains that Reed informed him that the direction taken by the Yellow Fever Commission, in Cuba, was inspired by his early work with yellow fever.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter, December 11, 1922
Read thanks Carter for his comments on yellow fever cases in Ceara, Brazil.
Letter from the Rockefeller Foundation to Henry Rose Carter, December 13, 1922
The Foundation reimburses Carter for his work-related expenses.
Letter from Michael E. Connor to Henry Rose Carter, December 14, 1922
Connor reports on yellow fever in Mexico. He suspects a Caribbean epidemic spreading from Brazil.
Letter from [Laura Armistead Carter] to Hugh S. Cumming, December 14, 1922
[Laura Carter] sends Cumming a list of Henry Carter's articles at the Army Medical Museum.
Letter from [Henry Rose Carter] to Wickliffe Rose, December 15, 1922
[Carter] informs Rose that the reimbursement check sent to him was too large.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter, December 16, 1922
Read sends Carter a copy of Dr. Denno's letter on the unusual yellow fever case of seaman John Cose.
Letter from S.J. Denno to Wickliffe Rose, December 13, 1922
Denno describes the unusual yellow fever case of seaman John Cose. Denno would like Noguchi to examine Cose in New York.
Letter from [Henry Rose Carter] to Wickliffe Rose, December 19, 1922
Carter discusses recent cases of yellow fever.
Letter from Wickliffe Rose to Henry Rose Carter, December 20, 1922
Rose thanks Carter for his comments on Cose's case of yellow fever. He reports that Noguchi will examine Cose.
Letter from Wade Hampton Frost to Henry Rose Carter, December 22, 1922
Frost sends Carter information on the lectures Carter will deliver at Johns Hopkins University.
Letter from M. Veracruz to Alfonso Pruneda, December 23, 1922
Veracruz describes methods used to control mosquito breeding in Mexico. He also discusses yellow fever outbreaks and disease transportation routes in Mexico.
Letter from Bert W. Caldwell to Henry Rose Carter, December 23, 1922
Caldwell comments on the Mexican Yellow Fever Commission report.
Letter from Robert H. Kirk to Henry Rose Carter, December 26, 1922
Kirk explains the amount of the reimbursement check sent to Carter.
Letter from Henry Rose Carter to Frowde & Hodder & Stoughton, December 28, 1921
Carter inquires about the price of a book, "Practice of Medicine in the Tropics", that he purchased recently.
Letter from Wickliffe Rose to Henry Rose Carter, December 29, 1922
Rose sends Carter a letter from Dr. White speculating on the Cose yellow fever case.
Letter from Joseph H. White to Wickliffe Rose, December 21, 1922
White comments on the unusual yellow fever case of seaman Cose. White reports on the Mexican yellow fever work.
Yellow Fever, October 31, 1922
This is a detailed clinical report from Africa, which describes a case of yellow fever in which the patient died. Included is a detailed description of the treatment program and the autopsy record.