Box 10
Contains 208 Results:
Correspondence of Henry Rose Carter, September 1922
Correspondence of Henry Rose Carter, October 1922
Correspondence of Henry Rose Carter, November 1922
Correspondence of Henry Rose Carter, December 1922
Clinical reports on yellow fever patients, 1922
Lecture on the Prophylaxis of Yellow Fever
, by [Henry Rose Carter], circa 1922
[Carter] discusses the prevention of yellow fever, including past experiments involving control of the human host vs. control of mosquitoes.
Anopheles and Sea Water. Observations on the Development of A. Quadrimaculatus, by T.H.D. Griffitts, circa 1922
Griffitts reports on the breeding of Anopheles in salt water, mainly in Virginia.
Three Years Study of Sanitary Conditions in Peru, by Henry Hanson, circa 1922
Hanson writes about the reason for coming to Peru, the conditions found on his arrival, and the difficulties encountered. He discusses the various diseases identified and the causes of the general sanitary problems. Hanson presents remedies for the present conditions and discusses the possibility of the public and the Peruvian government accepting foreign aide.
The Conduct of the Yellow Fever Campaign in Vera Cruz and the Second Yellow Fever Zone, July 30, 1922
Caldwell discusses his work in Vera Cruz and neighboring areas.
Miscellaneous reports, pamphlets, and maps, circa 1922
Checkbook stub and notebook of Henry Rose Carter, 1922
Abstracts fromDiagnosis and Treatment of B.T. and M.T. Fevers
,Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1920-1921
The authors primarily discuss the treatment of malaria with quinine.
Notes and rough drafts by Henry Rose Carter, 1922
Yellow fever in West Africa in 1922, circa 1922
Gouzien reports on yellow fever in West Africa and discusses epidemics and their control since 1900. He stresses the continued need for mosquito control.
Letter from Florence M. Read to Henry Rose Carter with report, January 25, 1923
Impounded waters, circa 1923
This is an unsigned manuscript on impounded waters, which details public health regulations, worker conditions, and the bodies of water themselves.